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Jon Fleischman

Political Theater: Jon and Abel

Last weekend at the GOP convention, just 72 hours after casting the deciding vote to pass a massive tax increase out of the State Senate, Senator Abel Maldonado actually had the moxie to show up. I ran into him in a hallway there, and we shared some words — the kind of "street theater" reminds me of the "old days" when I was an activist with Young Americans for Freedom…

I had told a few people about it — but now everyone can see it, as Carla Marinucci from the San Francisco Chronicle apparently had her handy-dandy video camera on at the time. You can read more of her observations on the convention here. I’ve reposted the video below…

8 Responses to “Political Theater: Jon and Abel”

  1. Says:

    Let’s hope that the people in his district confront him about what he did.

  2. Says:

    “We need a change”?

    Yeah, and I can name six specific changes our party needs.

  3. Says:

    Here’s change I can believe in:

  4. Says:

    Jon you are a good soldier. Too few people would be willing to be as straight forward.

  5. Says:

    That’s great. He seems to be unaccustomed to being confronted about being a TURNCOAT.

  6. Says:

    I will repeat it: Maldobama.

    Just trying to get some traction here!

  7. Says:

    That was RAD!!!

  8. Says:

    The man has no character; just a bunch of slogans.