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Barry Jantz

Earth Fair: Republicans Need Not Apply

This just in… According to GOP sources, representatives of the Republican Party of San Diego County recently inquired about booth space at the April 19 Earth Fair in Balboa Park, with organizers responding that the GOP wasn’t invited to join the dozens of other exhibitors at the annual event on the City of San Diego-owned property.

Not, mind you, that partisan or political groups aren’t allowed (it IS an Earth Fair), or there wasn’t any space left. No, I am told it was more along the lines of the GOP not being "environmental," so the party was unwelcome to join in the festivities.

I assume that means the half a million or so registered Republicans in the area can stay home as well. I’d love to see how the Libertarians and AIPers fare in nailing down booth space.

In the meantime, I am further told that fair organizers are being contacted again as I write by a qualified individual to be told that the GOP will indeed be an exhibitor.

More to follow, especially if there is more to the story or someone has a differing take on what has transpired between the GOP and the Earth Fair folks.


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