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Jon Fleischman

Poizner responds to Maldonado

Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner’s campaign has issued a response to the bizarre public letter sent to him by tax-hiking State Senator Abel Maldonado. 

Senator Maldonado’s letter is a bit like the arsonist lashing out at the fire department for not stopping him from burning the village.

Perhaps Mr. Maldonado is feeling the heat today given that the sales tax increase he supported will begin tomorrow.  That’s part of a tax increase package that will cost the average California family over a thousand dollars a year in higher taxes.

Raising taxes is a recipe for disaster, not reform. Instead, we need to reform California’s tax code and regulatory structure, streamline and consolidate state agencies, eliminate unnecessary or underperforming government programs, and attract businesses to this state.  In the midst of this recession, state leaders should be laser-focused on creating jobs, not raising taxes.  

Steve Poizner opposes Proposition 1A because he is fed up with throwing more money into a system that puts the needs of politicians above the needs of California’s citizens.  We need to fix our broken government in Sacramento with solution-oriented reforms that address our deep structural challenges, not paper over them by raising taxes on California’s families.

The era of forty hour lockdowns, irresponsible spending and special deals cut over fancy lunches must end.  As Governor, Steve Poizner will lead California in a different direction with smarter, smaller government.  No longer will the excuse ‘I had to do it’ be acceptable.

California can, must and will do better.