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Jon Fleischman

Assembly GOP Should Be Praised For Putting The Brakes On Approving SEIU 1000’s Contract

Assembly Republicans are to be commended for withholding their votes yesterday to ratify a new contract for state workers in SEIU 1000, the largest state public employees union.  The Schwarzenegger Administration came to terms with union officials on this deal – but a 30,000 foot view of the contract makes it a head scratcher.  This is not a “severe recession” contract that gives the state the kind of flexibility it needs to potentially implement workforce reductions as part of reducing state spending down to a level that reflects plummeting state revenues.

So that FR readers are clear, in order for the State of California to approve a union contract, it must be approved by the State Legislature.  So in that regard, the Governor and union negotiators have to “bring back terms” to get approved – the union by its membership, and the state by the legislature.

This contract was negotiated with a hope and expectation on the part of the Governor and union leaders that the May 19 “burrito” package of special election measures, including 1A with its trigger of $16 billion in new taxes, would be passed by the electorate.  That outcome is looking unlikely at best, at this point.

It’s time to reopen negotiation with SEIU – with a specific focus on what downsizing the state’s workforce is going to look like, and for the Governor’s part, he must ensure that a new contract protects California taxpayers from an unduly cumbersome process to lay off state employees.

For the SEIU’s part, there is reason to come to the table and play a role in defining what that downsizing process will look like.  Given recent court rulings, the Governor has more latitude to make executive decisions on these matters that would not necessarily include having union leaders at the table.

Right now, in the private sector, “right sizing” of businesses large and small, to deal with the economic realities of a recession, are happening everywhere you look.  In the public sector, though, it might be hard to tell we are in tough times – since in state government, the workforce has gotten larger in the last few months, not smaller!

Republican legislators are right to hold off approving this contract.  The special election is almost here (in fact, it is here now to the extent that people are voting by mail).  It seems prudent to see the results, and understand where we are before approving new union contracts.

Unfortunately, taxpayers cannot expect Democrats to be objective in this process.  The millions of dollars contributed by the unions to “win” Democrat seat in the legislature continues to be a sound investment – with EVERY Democrat legislator, despite the obvious fiscal challenges facing state government, voted to approve the contract.

Thank goodness this particular matter requires a two-thirds vote!

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