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The Face of the Miller Recall

Well, the human face of the purported recall of Assemblyman Jeff Miller has finally been revealed to the public. It’s an interesting young man, accented not only by a bare-shouldered party dress, but also complete with carefully applied lipstick, mascara and eye liner. That all of these quality accessories and cosmetics are adorning the face of a man may strike some as unusual, but no matter your views on people who dress in drag, all of this only contributes to the further absurdity of a shameful farce.

Blaine Jenks is 22 years old, a recent graduate of Orange County’s Vanguard University and still lists his mother’s home as his address. But rather than inquiring if he/she should move out of mom’s place, let’s focus on the actual address for a moment. Blaine’s voter registration card still lists his mom’s Placentia address as his home. And for those outside of Orange County, Placentia is well outside the lines of the 71st Assembly District.

Why the address emphasis? First of all, any veteran of campaigns knows it can be a serious violation of the law for anyone to gather signatures in a district if they are not registered to vote in that district.  Could a zealous cross-dresser be double-crossed by his own ignorance of the law? Having now seen Jenks up close, thank goodness justice is blind.

And that seems a good place to leave it. The seriousness of the attempted recall of Jeff Miller seems fairly represented by the seriousness of the person behind it.

5 Responses to “The Face of the Miller Recall”

  1. Says:

    This is hilarious — I mean, errr, I think it is noble that there are… civic activists in the cross-dressing community.

    Your blog post, Adam, does present a good opportunity to remind FR readers that the filing of petitions to recall officeholders at every level of government is actually quite common. The only reason that perhaps that such petitions being served on Bob Huff, Jeff Miller, Jim Silva and others has been fodder for the MSM is because these reporters don’t go the extra step to determine if the proponent is in a position to wage a CREDIBLE effort.

    In so far as I know, the only credible recall effort taking place right now, under the leadership of wronged constituents Dick Mountjoy and Ed Laning, is that of Anthony Adams in the 59th District. Anthony’s vote to raise taxes, and the hubris that he has shown both before and after that vote, have helped proponents raise six figures in funds — guaranteeing that they will gather (through volunteer and paid efforts) the necessary 35,000 or so signatures.

    We’ll see whether Elaine (or was that Blaine?) can put some nickels together as he tilts at this particular windmill.

  2. Says:

    John Moholland and Steve Maviglio should be embarrassed. Radio station stunts often blow up in the living room of those pulling them…

  3. Says:

    This is an ill advised recall attempt. Anthony Adams is the low hanging fruit right now. These people who are lining up behind these obscure recalls would do well to immerse themselves in the Recall Adams campaign and learn all the ins and outs of what a successful recall looks like.

  4. Says:

    John & Ken, for all intents and purposes, dropped the Miller recall issue a long time ago. They have been focused on Adams, as they should be.

  5. Says:

    I’d like to start by thanking FlashReport for allowing me to participate in the conversation.I understand that I am making myself subject to this type of ridicule when involving myself in an intent to Recall a public official.

    As for my registration issue. There has been a problem with trying to register at my current residence that is unresolved at the moment. I had sent in a change of address form previously since I no longer reside in Placentia but in Mission Viejo within the 71st district. I have recently resubmitted the form in hopes that it will be processed properly.

    Since no petition signatures have been gathered I believe I am still with in the realms of the law, but if any violations have occurred I am sure the SOS will inform us and we will proceed accordingly.

    Taxpayers United to Recall Jeff Miller is a Political action committee who’s goal is to hold the Republican Assembly members accountable for the negotiation and passing of the the budget as well as placing Prop 1A on the ballot.
    We believe that we do not elect our leaders merely for a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote but to fight for us in a system that seems fixed against the average citizen. Our stance is that Jeff Miller was more concerned with keeping party leaders pleased rather than trying to stand up for his constituents.

    The negotiation of the budget gave us the largest tax increase of any state in the nation’s history. And our leaders, including Miller, have not shown the desire or the leadership to remedy that situation. Instead they negotiated the exact # of votes needed to pass the budget and left the taxpayers to carry the burden.

    The Republican voice is small in the California Legislature and we can not afford to sit by while the state turns into one party system.

    As for the photo and commentary, I think you chose a very flattering picture of myself getting ready to go to a costumed event, but since that is the so-called “skeleton” you chose to pull from my past, I thought I would let you know that I am not ashamed or embarrassed.

    I am one of the people involved in the recall movement but there are many other constituents that are making this process possible. We are a diverse and multi-faced movement.