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James V. Lacy

“Petition Packin’ Trany, Lay that Petition Down”

     The transvestite that is fulfilling KFI’s John and Ken’s commercial ratings driven wish to recall solid conservative Assemblyman Jeff Miller is apparently breaking the law.  No, not a law about transvestitism; rather, he/she/it appears to be violating (perhaps among other violations of life’s more fundamental laws)  the California Elections Code.

     You see, we learned yesterday from a post by Adam Probolsky that John and Ken’s trany*, according to the most recent data available from the County Registrar of Voters, is not registered to vote in Miller’s 71st Assembly District.  Adam alluded to a potential violation of law by the trany proponent of the Miller recall as a result of a failure to be a registered voter in the specific district where the recall petition is being circulated.  I’ll fill in the gap: Section 11005 of the Elections Code states very simply: The proponents of a recall must be registered voters of the
electoral jurisdiction of the officer they seek to recall.
  Therefore, according to the latest data from the Registrar, Blaine Jenks would be illegally collecting signatures for the Miller recall in the 71st AD.   The signatures collected are therefore void, and if Blaine knowingly violated this law, criminal penalties could be imposed by the District Attorney’s office.  And keep in mind simply changing a registration to an address in the 71st won’t do, the residence must be bona fide.  Latest information is the trany continues  to live with mom.

     I have never been keen on any of these recalls against the Assembly Republicans.   I would rather that John and Ken focus on the real troublemakers in California: Nancy Pelosi tops the list, followed by Gavin Newsom, Loretta Sanchez, and Sharon Bass among many other potential targets.   But apparently there is no commercial value in doing that.   So many of our conservative volunteers, in the midst of a vacuum of responsible conservative policy leadership, got willingly sucked-in by an opportunistic commercial radio ratings ploy that allowed them the opportunity to express opposition to the problems of high taxes and big government.  It was all very effective in helping to defeat 1A, but, we have new Republican legislative leaders now, we have newly activated conservative volunteer leaders as a result of the April 15th "tea parties" across the state, and the Prop 1A campaign is over.   Now is the time for Republicans and conservatives to take back our movement from the commercial hijackers, who gained some undeserved authority during the leadership vacuum and who we must remember have no consistent commitment to conservative principles or real personal histories of working in the trenches for our cause.  We must understand that their motivation is at root to make money, not policy.   They will always go with the policy ideas that will make them money, and if it greatly served their financial interests to support an Obama policy, for example, they would not think twice about it.   And because they are not really committed conservative activists, they will never really get that a male petition gatherer who daubs a little rouge on the cheek before hitting the street does not help the cause at hand.  Instead of responding to their notion of which Republicans should be abused,  we should focus our resources on fighting for conservative ideas with the public, against liberal Democrats, and not recalling Republicans who we can more easily change at the ballot box.   We should especially not be giving grief but rather encouragement to really good Republicans like Jeff Miller.  

*Transvestism (also called transvestitism) is the practice of cross-dressing, which is wearing the clothing of the opposite sex. Transvestite refers to a person who cross-dresses; however, the word often has additional connotations. [Wikipedia].



2 Responses to ““Petition Packin’ Trany, Lay that Petition Down””

  1. Says:

    To be fair, Jim, John & Ken have not been pushing the Miller recall on their radio program. They have been focused on the Adams recall, as well they should be. The “vacuum” they filled was created by a fundamental failure of our Republican leadership, and thank goodness they were there to help get us righted again.

    No, John & Ken are not conservatives, per se, but they are certainly conservatives on tax and spending issues. We on the right cannot afford to throw away media allies because they are not “pure”. We owe them a debt of gratitude regarding the recent propositions — they saved us from ourselves and our own failed leadership. Their message has been a clarion call that has motivated our voters like never before, and gives us an opportunity to make the kind of permanent changes we could never achieve in the political back rooms.

    Anthony Adams still must go. It is not a waste of resources to send a strong message to our leaders that we will not tolerate this kind of faithlessness ever again.

  2. Says:

    Don: fair enough.

    Jim Lacy