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Jon Fleischman


Welcome to the second part of our two-part feature on the FlashReport “Winners & Losers of the May 19 Special Election.”  Yesterday we presented the winners.  Today we introduce to you the losers – those people or groups who, from our perspective, suffered in their stature, standing and reputation as a result of the outcome of Tuesday’s vote. 

It’s always more challenging to call out losers than winners, and occasionally (but not usually) someone takes it personally.  We understand if you do — but to you we’d say, suck it up.  This whole stupid special election didn’t need to happen, but it did, and you tried to raise my taxes, and failed.  So, losers, in no particular order, take your shame…

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.  There couldn’t have been but a handful of voters casting their ballot Tuesday who did not know that Arnold Schwarzenegger had spearheaded the effort to pass the measures before them.  While certainly the voters were rejecting the tax increases and the “insider wheeling and dealing” that produced 1A-1F, one cannot escape the conclusion that, like after a while the new thing you bought loses its allure — Californians are done with Arnold Schwarzenegger.   A man who very convincingly ran for Governor, twice, emphatically pledging to oppose tax increases, he is no longer enchanting or convincing to the electorate, who gave him the heave-ho.

**There is more – click the link**

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6 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: LOSERS OF THE MAY 19 SPECIAL ELECTION”

  1. Says:

    John-thanks for your superb coverage of the propositions. Your respect of the least deserving is exemplary for those of us who’d otherwise resort to name calling and insults.

  2. Says:

    Jon, as usual, you have captured it all!

  3. Says:

    You should include John & Ken as losers. Never forget that they and other reputed conservatives, e.g. Hugh Hewitt, set Tom McClintock aside to make way for the Schwarz in the recall.

    Usually, it’s newcomers who get the “wait your turn” attitude. This time it was the well qualified, experienced, proven and truly conservative McClintock who was cast aside for the movie star with the alleged conservative positions. Lots of us in the grass roots knew better from the beginning. Never trust a pro-choice, “fiscal conservative”. Another example is your loser Tom Cambell.

  4. Says:

    Can we include some FR commenters here like Bob Evans, Jill Buck, and whoever else thought these Props were so great?

  5. Says:

    Wait a minute Tim….there are three RINO losers out there…Campbell, Poizner(would be nice to be governor, I will buy it, sound familar) and a daft, deer in the headlights business gal who says anything, to anyone, listen to me but first tell me what you want to hear and she has pinhead political experience(sound familar) Ms. Whitman….the RINOS who swarm Flash Report will somehow dumb down the republicans once more to accept one of these three miserable candidates to run for gov.and lose once again by a incredible landslide due to republicans look like Arnold clones…. You better hope Jerry Brown wins….could you imagine Villargoooseah or the illegal alien criminal lover from SF being gov….voting Democrat in the primary for Jerry Brown somehow just might save you from having to move from California.

  6. Says:

    Jon, you missed a big loser… that is the taxpayers of the United States. When Arnold’s pal Obama bails out too big to fail California, taxpayers from Maine to Florida, to Washington, to Texas, and every productive American in between will be paying for CA’s selfish, irresponsible, and extravagant spending. Thank you America for bailing us out!