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Jon Fleischman

More Video – Democrat Legislators Go Bonkers In Response to Audra Strickland’s Remarks

A few posts below this one we carried (courtesy of a two minute video of Audra Strickland’s Sunday night floor speech. Well now we bring you a "greatest hits" video showing you the "ire" of the left.

If these Democrats seem highly annoyed or upset, perhaps it is because the truth hurts. The reality is that the absolute fealty and tribute that Democrat legislators have given at the alter of the employee unions has led to a grossly expensive state government. Among the many victims of a fat and expensive state bureaucracy are those in need of government services. Thanks to the policies passed at the behest of these unions, everything costs more — including the delivery of services to those vulnerable members of our society.

During "times of plenty" — I guess there was plenty of money to go around. But now, when we are facing a massive shortfall of funding, the proverbial chickens are coming home to roost.

Anyways, now that you have endorsed a "Flash Rant" — enjoy another video courtesy of FlashReport/KillMedia…  (If you watch all of the way to the end, you can see a great close by Chuck DeVore…)