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Jon Fleischman


That "mega" number (my eyes glaze over) is now the size of the projected shortfall in the state’s 2009-10 fiscal year budget.

It’s time for the Democrats in the State Legislature to step up and deliver a plan to deal with this shortfall.  Every minute, hour and day that goes by without a comprehensive solution, the more difficult it will be to resolve this shortfall.

Hopeful the resolve of Republicans to not allow a piecemeal approach to solving this shortfall is very, very clear to Capitol Democrats.  Republicans are committed and united to protecting taxpaying Californians from being hit with higher taxes to resolve this problem.   Republicans understand that a piece-meal approach to trying to resolve this shortfall, passing cuts a few billion at a time will eventually lead to a time, mid-fiscal year, when Democrats can simply stop agreeing to cuts at all — leaving our state more vulnerable to a play to raise taxes.  Especially since the ability to implement cuts becomes more dubious once you are well into the fiscal year.  Funny how that works — cuts take considerable time to implement, while tax increases seem to go into place promptly.

The Governor has laid out a set of cuts and reforms to close the budget deficit.  Perhaps Democrats should put forward those proposals for a vote, as the next logical step in trying to resolve this crisis.