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Jon Fleischman

Thanks, Steve!

I just got this nice note from Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, who read my column in support of term limits over on CalBuzz.  Steve’s praise is especially meaningful because of his leadership role in defeating Prop. 93, or as we dubbed it, "The Fabian Nunez Career Extension Act."

Poizner’s note is below (for those who fear I would print your notes to me without asking — I asked Steve if I could post it, and he said it was okay)…


I want to applaud your submission to Calbuzz this morning on term limits.  I think you are spot on with many of your points.  As you know, I was a leading voice on voting “No” to Prop 93.  Even though we were outspent 3 to 1, voters sent the clear message that they favor strict term limits.  As this budget process has demonstrated, we need to change the type of person we elect to the legislature.  Keeping the same people in office longer won’t solve our problems, we need citizen leaders not career politicians.  As I have been campaigning throughout the state, I’ve been talking more and more with people about a part-time legislature and it is resonating with many voters that I speak with.  Keep up the good work on showcasing the benefits of term limits and I look forward to talking with you more on this important issue.


2 Responses to “Thanks, Steve!”

  1. Says:

    This primary is going to be ugly!!!

  2. Says:

    What does Jon think of having term limits for county supervisors?