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Jon Fleischman

State Senator Dutton Blasts The Hypocritical Whining of Speaker Bass

In response to recent comments from Speaker Karen Bass, whining about the Governor's veto-pen cuts to social programs, State Senator Bob Dutton put Bass in her place. Bass had accused the Governor of destroying California's safety net, putting lives in jeopardy and potentially killing people.  Dutton has offered Bass a bi-partisan solution by using a $100 million in revenue from a proposed oil extraction contract and having that money fund programs for the most vulnerable Californians. That is a $100 million to help restore many of the programs Bass decried in her statement.

As Dutton put it: “If Speaker Bass is truly concerned about the additional cuts, I would urge her to quickly pass this bill off the Assembly Floor and send it to the governor for his signature.  Doing so would allow $100 million in program cuts to be restored immediately.”

The ball is now in her court.  Will Bass help California's most vulnerable or was it all talk?    Is the Speaker truly an advocate for these programs? Or is she in the hip-pocket of the radical eco-nut agenda that would see not only a permanent moratorium on offshore drilling, but would undoubtedly support population cap for the state (and nation and world) to save natural resources.

3 Responses to “State Senator Dutton Blasts The Hypocritical Whining of Speaker Bass”

  1. Says:

    Karen will soon be gone….another casualty placed on the scrap heap of liberalism..

    Have you ever analyzed the quality of politicans coming from Long Beach at all levels….scary…you could run PET ROCK and they would think a rock star has entered politics to bring home some bacon.

    Karen Bass has got to have a mail order degree from UCLA…

    Her track record prior to becoming Queen of the Handouts was rather shallow….a devisive political hack who does not represent all the people just the unions and welfare industrial complex.

  2. Says:

    Oil extraction contract to keep the safety net going?

    What an insult to the taxpayers by extorting taxes to get Speaker Bass to shut up!!

    Why can’t Senator Dutton and other Republicans just bluntly tell the Democrats that these programs are a waste of state resources and that a sunset date should take place….say December 31, 2009?

  3. Says:

    ” Will Bass help California’s most vulnerable or was it all talk? … Or is she in the hip-pocket of the radical eco-nut agenda…”

    When push comes to shove the democrats will throw the “truly needy” off the bus in favor of the econuts, trial lawyers, unions, or any other counter-productive group pushing for more government control with money.