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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Walking and Chewing Bubble Gum At The Same Time

I regret that I was unable to attend the CRP Convention this past weekend and having been catching up on my reading, the big story seems to be Meg Whitman’s history of failing to exercise her rights to register to vote and to vote.&NBS; A bigger story still is her failure to handle the issue at a press conference, or her seeming lack of preparation for the questions.&NBS; And now, we find out that being a mother and CEO of Eba is to blame.

These excuses are weak.&NBS; I can’t think of another job requiring more full attention multi tasking than Governor of this mess of a State we are in.&NBS; I am stunned that, in this age of downloading voter registration cards on line, completing and mailing them in that anyone is "too busy" to do this simple task.&NBS; I’m even more perplexed at the "motherhood" excuse.&NBS; I’m as involved as anyone with kids and I’ve not ever missed a vote.&NBS; It isn’t that hard to participate in our system of government, we’ll even mail you a ballot.

I don’t know how much life this issue really has, and I don’t know that anyone will care in the end, but it does speak to the issue of how deeply Mrs. Whitman really cares about the issues, and just how solid she can be when faced with a tough task.&NBS; I understand the whole "building Eba" thing, but I think, after watching Arnold in action, that Californians need someone with true political conviction in the CEO chair – not a "johnny come lately".