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Barry Jantz

Campaigning on County Email System?

The speculation has lasted for several months whether appointed incumbent San Diego County Assessor/Recorder/Clerk David Butler would seek election in his own right.

Appointed by the Board of Supervisors last year after 25-year office holder Greg Smith resigned in late 2008, Butler offficially announced today he will run for the seat.  Very officially.  After all, what better way to get the word out than by letting County employees know through use of the publicly-owned email system?  

His first campaign missive has established Butler’s efficiency!  Why develop your own campaign distribution list, when the taxpayers’ system is already in place?

Okay, some might say that the message below from Butler doesn’t actually say anything akin to "Vote for me," or direct anyone to a campaign website.  It could be construed as pertinent information for the office.  Yet, it does include items for which he is taking credit, while titling them "Critical Long Term Projects," the implication clearly being they are important enough that Butler needs to continue to serve.

After the recent Walt Ekard flap over his email noting that as CAO he opposes term limits for the Supervisors, one might think caution would be paramount at the County of San Diego.  Yet, Ekard is not running for office.  Butler is, ironically, as the "internal" email so notes…

From: Delacruz, Lizza On Behalf Of Butler, David L
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 4:39 PM
Subject: Critical Long Term Projects

Over the last few weeks there has been much speculation regarding the future direction of the office. I have also received numerous inquiries regarding my plans as they relate to my official capacity as the Assessor /Recorder/ County Clerk in the department.

As most of you are aware I have initiated several changes, including the new recording system, the pending integrated property tax system, and a restructured budget that I believe are necessary to make this department more efficient, both economically and technologically.  I am very committed to these projects and want to ensure they are completed as I have envisioned.

As a result I have decided to run for election for the office in June, with the intention of serving at least one full term.

David L. Butler
Assessor /Recorder/ County Clerk 
of San Diego
619.531.5507 | Fax 619.557.4056 
 P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail



4 Responses to “Campaigning on County Email System?”

  1. Says:

    The email distribution is to the Finance & General Government (FGG) and Assessor Recorder County Clerk (ARCC) staffs, estimated to be more than 400 employees.

  2. Says:

    Mr. Butler is a registered Democrat.
    His leading challengers (former
    Equalization Board member Ernie
    Dronenburg, and Assessor executive Jeff Olson) are both Republicans.

    Good chance for a Republican gain!

  3. Says:

    These guys never learn. They always try to use the system for their personal interest and gain with no regard for what’s proper or not. There are a lot of politicans out there that are like him and are now unemployed due to similar
    situations. Time for a change

  4. Says:

    It never ends. Common sense tells you that this is a no no.