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Jon Fleischman

Look Who’s Got Her Own WSJ Illustrated Headshot!

From today’s WSJ Political Diary E-mail…

Why Monkeys Thump Their Chests Just Before Running Away

House Democrats this week issued their Red-to-Blue list — 13 GOP seats they hope to pick up in the fall. They might have called it the "Two-Time Republican Survivors" list.

In a year when the tide has turned against Democrats, the list is heavy with GOPers who managed to hold on by their fingernails through two of the toughest cycles for Republican incumbents in memory. On the target list are people like Reps. Dan Lungren and Mary Bono Mack of California, Ohio’s Pat Tiberi and Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania. Also on the list is Joe "You Lie" Wilson of South Carolina — whose shouted objection during an Obama speech to Congress has stirred national interest in his race. He and two-time challenger Rob Miller have already raised more than $6 million, making theirs the most expensive house race in South Carolina history.

In total, President Obama won nine of the 13 districts on the Red-to-Blue list. Two are open Democratic districts — John Tanner in Tennessee and the district of Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania, who is vacating against party wishes in order to challenge newly converted Sen. Arlen Specter in a Democratic primary. Two of the open Republican seats have also been vacated by strong GOPers pursuing Senate bids — Mike Castle in Delaware and Mark Kirk in Illinois. Even if Democrats pick up the House seats, it could be a poor trade if they lose Senate seats previously held by Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee promises money and manpower support for challengers to the targeted 13 — brave talk considering Democrats will have to devote resources to defending plenty of their own vulnerable seats.

— Kyle Trygstad,

Congratulations to Mary Bono Mack.  Very jealous that she now has her own WSJ graphic drawing headshot!