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BOE Member George Runner

Tea Partiers: Once persona non grata to mainstream media is now headline news

What a difference a year makes. Last year the Tea Partiers could barely gain notice on local TV stations and newspapers. They were dismissed as irrelevent and merely a tool of the Republican Party.

One year later, the Tea Party movement has flourished in numbers and grown in strength. Now the media is taking the movement serious. Even the Capitol’s paper of record included a pre-event story on the front page, "above the fold." (I may not agree with the story but the placement shows how important the movement has become).

Congratulations to my Tea Party friends. I applaud and support their efforts. They have bravely challenged the status quo and questioned the Sacramento establishment.

They didn’t walk away when liberals dismissed them as a fad, or when political pundits downplayed the attendance numbers at Tea Party events.

The good news is now the media and politicos are listening. Some Left-leaning politicians may act unflappable, but everyone knows that liberals in targeted seats – on the state and federal level – are on alert and re-examining their campaign strategies.

Good job, Tea Partiers! Washington and Sacramento are listening. But today is a harbinger for things to come. The day of reckoning is six and half months away – Nov. 2 – when the full force of the Tea Party movement will be felt by out-of-touch politicians bounced out of office.

One Response to “Tea Partiers: Once persona non grata to mainstream media is now headline news”

  1. Says:

    Attended the tea party rally in Santa Ana, 700 W. Civic Center Drive with Claremont guy and Scott Baugh and Van Tran giving speeches. No incidents…no out of line violent plants noticed. No judge of amount of people, but it looked like somewhere between 200-500 people attending. Solictors gathering signatures to do away with Ab32 got lots of signatures. Overall, a real nice group of people, young, old, business guys and gals, retirees, etc…..cross section of America…appeared most of the people are not the types to get concerned about politicans….guess times are CHANGING!!!