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James V. Lacy

Obama nominates clone for Supreme Court

What do we know about Elena Kagan, Obama’s supreme court nominee?

     Well, we know she wrote a few years ago that the First Amendment needed to be looked at again because she didn’t like the idea of people "throwing money into political campaigns" under its protection, or words to that affect.

     We know Elena graduated from Harvard Law School, like Barack Hussein Obama.  We know she taught at the University of Chicago, like BHO.  We know BHO was the first black editor of Harvard Law Review and Elena was the first woman Dean of the Harvard Law School.  We know Elena got drunk when a liberal female friend, Elizabeth Holtzman, lost the New York U.S. Senate election in 1980 according to the Daily Princetonian.  (I did too the same night in 1980 when Reagan was elected President but likely for different and happier reasons).  We know she grew up on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, a privileged community, perhaps not so much as the Upper East side, but the site of Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Opera that my wife and I hang out at every now and then, and the fictional scene of the Seinfeld TV series. 

     We know that in college she wrote that the demise of the American socialist movement "was sad." 

     Just how are Sotomayer, Ginsberg, and now Kagan a reflection of the broad swatch of women who practice law in America?  Three Democrats, one socialist, and a lot of New York and Ivy Towers reflected here.  I’m not so sure this will fly well.

One Response to “Obama nominates clone for Supreme Court”

  1. Says:

    Stuff it Lacy. When women get parity then you can complain about whether they are all Democrats, all liberals, all white, all whatever!