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BOE Member George Runner

Legalizing Pot: The Great Experiment

I am opposed to legalizing marijuana because encouraging the public, particularly young people, to use drugs in order to increase state revenue is reprehensible.

After listening to testimony today from RAND researchers, my resolve is strengthened: Legalizing pot is a bad idea.

The researchers put forth plenty of questions (how much money will California generate from marijuana sales? Will tax invasion on marijuana sales become a problem? Will the usage of marijuana increase dramatically?), but they were only able to offer theories instead of concrete answers. 

That’s because nobody really knows the outcome of legalizing pot since it’s not been done anywhere in the world. California would be swimming in uncharted waters if Proposition 19 were to pass in November. In other words, once again California would be the great experiment for the rest of the world at the expense of public safety, community health and common sense.

One thing the RAND researchers were certain about: California would not save that much money in law enforcement costs – maybe $300 million, some of that General Fund money, some local dollars. Why the nominal savings? Because very few people go to jail for pot, and when someone does it’s because they are a big-time drug dealer and/or guilty of other crimes.

3 Responses to “Legalizing Pot: The Great Experiment”

  1. Says:

    The die is cast…..the moochers want their crutch drugs and knowing Sacramento they will give them to druggees for FREE!!!!

    Most likely pot heads will use food stamps to get stoned….

    Ah! Hotel California continues on….

  2. Says:

    The best solution is to make a restricted version of Proposition 215.

    Prop 215 needs strict revisions. If you have cancer, AIDS or some other serious illness you should be able to get your pot.

    People should not be able to get pot just because they have headaches or just because they are depressed.

    Maybe if cities and counties did not stop blocking dispensaries maybe they would not have a need for prop 19.

    The goal is to help provide the relief people need from their serious medical problems.

    Make sure communities are safe from the externalities of the dispensaries.

  3. Says:

    Hey guys, lose the old think!

    If someone wants to smoke a plant it’s their business. It’s already quasi-legal as unless your doing something else illegal (or the officer REALLY needs to make an arrest) you aren’t getting busted.

    Legalization will remove the criminal element from Marijuana sales and cultivation. Not to mention giving a jump start to many new entrepreneurs.

    Let’s see you guys come back and argue for alcohol prohibition. It causes more deaths than marijuana ever will and is THE gateway drug.

    Liberty is liberty and you are of the declining opinion on this argument.