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Barry Jantz

Imperial Valley Press Mocks Injury of Marine Vet Running for Congress

I’ve seen some pretty sorry stuff in politics over the years, but this has to be one of the sorriest.

Nick Popaditch is a proud Marine with a Silver Star and a Purple Heart.  He’s also the Republican nominee for Congress against incumbent Bob Filner in California’s 51st District, covering portions of South San Diego County and all of Imperial County. In a district with a significant Democratic registration advantage, many would say Popaditch has an uphill battle in November.

His chances of winning office are a far different analysis and discussion, however, than whether it’s fair game for a major newspaper in the district to make a mockery of war injuries Popaditch sustained in Iraq, during the battle of Fallujah.  (See the editorial cartoon below.)

Free press?  Yes.  A media embarrassment?  That too.  You be the judge.

Read the letter below…

Saturday’s edition of the Imperial Valley Press (El Centro, CA.  Editor Brad Jennings 760-337-3425, featured a cartoon that mocks the combat wounds Nick Popaditch suffered in service to our country and nearly took his life.  I have attached a youtube link which contains video of Nick, crawling out of his tank after being hit by a RPG in the head and a scan of the cartoon.   I realize Nick is running for a political office and political cartoons are the norm.  Attack him on his political views, not on injuries he sustained while fighting for other people’s freedom and liberties.  I am incensed that the IVP would choose to use combat wounds as satire. This is not just an insult to Nick, but an affront to every Purple Heart recipient.  People need to know this story, and the IVP must be called into the court of public opinion to insure that the media gets the message: we will not tolerate any of our combat wounded to be ridiculed for any reason.


Cheryl Perez, President
Ladies Auxiliary, Military Order of The Purple Heart
San Diego, Unit 49

YouTube video of Popaditch – A must watch

The irony here? Read this portion of Congressman Filner’s bio, from his website…

In January 2007, Congressman Filner became Chairman of the House of Representatives Veterans’ Affairs Committee.  He has achieved a national reputation for his work on behalf of our nation’s veterans, both current veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and more elderly veterans from the Vietnam and Korean wars and World War II.  He led the fight to restore honor and benefits to the Filipino Veterans and Merchant Mariners of World War II.

Regardless of whether the Imperial Valley Press is embarrassed into apologizing to veterans everywhere (see contact info above…hint, hint), is if Filner — given his record on behalf of vets — will denounce the cartoon?

How about it, Bob?

5 Responses to “Imperial Valley Press Mocks Injury of Marine Vet Running for Congress”

  1. Says:

    Barry, as usual you are right on with this one. How sad, how disgusting to make fun of a war vet and hero. He should get a parade and hero’s welcome, not made fun of. God forbid they make fun at anything islamic. Then the media would be up in arms.

  2. Says:

    Filner does the right thing, blasts newspaper cartoon of his GOP opponent…

  3. Says:


    The Editor of the Imperial Valley Press today (Tuesday) Apologizes to Nick Popaditch
    on the paper’s editorial page. Here is a link to that:

    Editor Brad Jennings writes that he also phoned Popaditch to personally apologize.

    Mr. Popaditch was a guest last night on Rick Amato’s popular KCBQ radio show,
    and said he has a thick hide for criticism, but is concerned other veterans who
    have been wounded may feel isolated or rejected by insensitive comments.

  4. Says:

    You will find more class and virtue at a Raiders home game than in all the democratic party.

    Besides Popaditch looks like Nick Fury the comic book super hero.

  5. Says:

    I have rc’d several letters-to-the-editor addressed to the IVP press and cc’d to me. One interesting one…

    The Imperial Valley Press
    Letters to the Editor

    Dear Editor:

    Like many others, I was offended by your recent editorial cartoon about Nick Popaditch. But I am writing to talk about class. One of my favorite clichés is: “Class never goes out of style.” I’d like to give you three examples of class.

    Example #1: Nick Popaditch. The man has shed blood for his country and now wants to continue to serve in the halls of Congress. He is a class act.

    Example #2: Congressman Bob Filner. He is Popaditch’s opponent. He could have taken the easy way and just remained silent when the editorial cartoon appeared. But not Bob. He has been fighting for Veteran’s rights and benefits for years. So what does Bob do? Makes a strong statement against the editorial cartoon. Love him or hate him (and I’ve disagreed with him philosophically numerous times over the years), he is consistent. Bob Filner is a class act.

    Example #3: The Imperial Valley Press and Editor Brad Jennings. They made a mistake. They also could have taken the easy way out and just let the controversy run its course. But they responded and responded quickly. They admitted they made a mistake. They explained their reasoning but not as an excuse, simply as an explanation. The Imperial Valley Press and Brad Jennings are class acts.

    God bless Nick Popaditch. God bless Bob Filner. God Bless the Imperial Valley Press and Brad Jennings. And…God Bless America.

    John Dadian