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Mike Spence

Good Riddance Ron George

King Ron George will finally leave the building. Chief Justice Ron George will not longer be the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court. Good riddance.

Ron George epitomizes what is wrong about allowing activist judges to dictate their personal views into law. Same-sex marriage is just one example of how George’s so-called leadership has played out. George’s court redefined overturned the will of the people and re-defined marriage. Then knowing there was an election just a few month away refused to stay the order. Why? In order to insure the views of the great and wonderful George could become law in a cold political calculation to influence the November election. For this he will be remembered.

The Parental consent case that George presided over showed his willingness to undermine the judicial system in order to impose his social views on the people of California. As many know a bi-partisan parental consent law was passed the Legislature and signed by Governor Deukmejian. The law was on hold until the court cases could be resolved. Turns out the California State Supreme Court actually upheld the constitutionality of the law. At that point there were some justice changes and George used his power to rehear the case. The new make-up decided to strike down the law. One day it is constitutional, the next it isn’t. Politics over precedence.

There are many other examples of Ron George ruling against private property rights, religious freedom and business owners as he pursued an increasingly liberal activist agenda.

Ron George won’t be missed on the court. However he will still be in your pocketbook. George through his Judicial Council successfully advocated raises fees on all court filings including parking tickets, family court filings, and traffic violations and attending traffic school in order to build courthouses. You know the courthouses that the state doesn’t have the money to staff. You know the courthouses that are only used between 8-5 weekdays when working people can’t access them. You know the courthouses that many of the people paying the fee will never see, but the trial lawyers will spend months trying cases in rooms funded by others.

 Unfortunately Old Supreme Court Justices never die; their rulings and fees still get implemented.


4 Responses to “Good Riddance Ron George”

  1. Says:

    Wow, so you are saying you agree with court precedence? Does that mean you are now supportive of the US Supreme Court not overturning Roe v Wade, as that has been the law of the land for almost 40 years?

    Since you advocate keeping court precedence are you saying “separate, but equal” should still be the law of the land?

    You complain about the court being open from 8 to 5 when people work. In 20 years on your local school board you have not advocated keeping school administration open so parents can handle business with schools after work. For example, enrolling children.

    You have fought moving the school meeting around the district so more people can attend at the school just down the street.

    How many nights per week are the offices of members of the assembly open for the public to handle business after 8 to 5 for working people can handle business?

  2. Says:

    Wow, glad to hear you aren’t bitter, Mr. Shewmaker!

    Chief Justice George often seemed more comfortable playing the part
    of political leader/deal maker than as a jurist. You really cannot do both.

    Here’s hoping the next CJ wants to be a Judge, and will make an effort
    to respect the Voters’ wishes, not just the state interest groups.

    Someone, in short, a lot like MALCOM LUCAS who was named CJ by
    the much-beloved George Deukmejian after Rose Bird was voted out by
    the public in 1986.

  3. Says:

    Mr. Sills, do you believe once the courts rule on a law that it is settled?

    Also, if courts should be open after 5 PM for the sake of the public, should not public schools, city halls, state government, congressional offices, etc?

    The questions are simple. Only asking for consistency.

    It is hard to argue that when a court changes from a position you like that is activism, but when they change from a position you do not like that is not activism.

    It hurts the cause. For example, Mike Spence can argue against legalized abortion much more easily as he has gone out and adopted children, giving them a home. He has attempted in a small way to eliminate the excuse people use when not having a baby.

    So, I only ask that when pointing a finger at others, that you have attempted not to have the same issue and done nothing.

  4. Says:

    Fascinating. If one agrees with the decisions made by the court then the court “exercises the will of the people.” If one disagrees with the decisions of the court, the court is led by “activist judges [who] dictate their personal views into law.”