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Senator Tony Strickland

The Bell Pay Scandal – CalPERS Knew? Wow.

Today’s Los Angeles Times revealed that officials at CalPERS knew about the Bell pay scandal four years ago  yet did nothing to stop them. 


Yesterday John Chiang made statewide news by asking that salary information for city employees be made public and I pointed out, correctly so, that John was late in presenting a solution and I thought it smacked of politics.


Today’s story in the Times gives merit to my point.  John Chiang sits as a member of the CalPERS Board of Administration yet he remained silent on what has now become an national embarrassment.  He should tell us why he’s remained silent.


After-the-fact directives won’t move California forward – only leadership will.


For too long, the Controller has been given a pass and remained while CalPERS faces scandal after scandal.  Where’s the accountability Mr Controller?


To read the entire LA Times article, click here.