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Jon Fleischman

Spokesman: Jerry Brown Did Away With The Billion Dollar Mansion and Plane

It seems that Jerry Brown and his campaign just cannot get away from the issue of state-owned airplanes.  Whether it is constant and ongoing references to a state plane that he supposedly sold back in when he was Governor — which he never did — or the more recent revelations that as our Attorney General, he has been using a state plane to see lobbyists and donors.

Well, the latest in the saga of Jerry Brown and planes is brought to you courtesy of our Spanish speaking elves here at the FlashReport.  Last week in an interview on Radio Bilingue, Brown campaign spokesman Frank Torres bragged that Brown had saved the state billions (with a b) by selling both the Governor’s mansion and jet.  Good grief.

Thanks to the wonders of technology, you can check it out for yourself below — whether you speak Spanish or not.

Here is a link to the interview online.  The relevant section is just after the 50 minute mark.

If you don’t want to watch our cool you tube clip above, here is the transcript:

Radio Bilingue
August 12, 2010

Host: Chelis Lopez
Jerry Brown Spokesman: Frank Torres

Chelis Lopez: “I would like to return to Frank Torres, spokesman for Democratic candidate Jerry Brown, so that he can speak to us and tell us. Meg Whitman is saying that Jerry Brown has never run a business and he won’t be able deal with this economic crisis that California currently faces.  For example the unemployment rate, and with what is occurring with the people who have lost their place of living, homes, property.  Can you speak to this? What’s the strategy to save California from this economic crisis?”   

Frank Torres: “Of course. When he was governor, he came at a time when there was a deficit and turned it into a surplus.  The last seven years we have had someone from the outside, who was not a politician, who did not know about the state and what happened?  We have the worst deficit in the history of California. At this time we need someone who knows California, who knows government, who knows the good parts of government, the bad, who knows what works and doesn’t work, and that person is Jerry Brown.  He is going to come in and see the budget and see where we can make changes and save money.  For example when he was governor, the first thing he did was to get rid of the mansion and the plane that was costing billions of dollars every year, it was a cost we did not need.  And if he becomes governor he is going to do the same, we are going to see where we can save and where we don’t have to spend money.

Chelis Lopez: Very welcome and now…

One Response to “Spokesman: Jerry Brown Did Away With The Billion Dollar Mansion and Plane”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Aren’t these guys wealthy enough to own their own planes? Private plane travel is more adventurous and if someone passes gas, you can just crack the window open a little.

    Flying Southwest is OK except when you get a little kid crying and screaming “Were going to Die!” the whole way.

    When reporters ask questions about your personal use of government planes, just start telling some of your favorite near air disasters that you made it through and that the kind of planes you like best are those that have hair under the wings.