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Jon Fleischman

Prominent Conservative Leader Karen England Announces Write-In Candidacy For Lt. Governor

Yesterday I received a phone call from my longtime friend Karen England.  Some of you may know Karen in her role as head of the Capitol Resource Institute – others may know her as a leader in the California Republican Party.  Karen was calling me to tell me that she had decided to announce a write-in candidacy for the office of Lt. Governor.  She told me that, from her perspective, the choice between San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and appointed Lt. Governor Abel Maldonado represented no choice at all for committed Republican voters.  She went into a litany of issues where she found substantial fault with Maldonado.

After hearing Karen out – I told her that while I shared many (well, to some degree, all) of her concerns about Maldonado, that Republicans need to stay unified behind out party’s nominee as chosen in the primary we held in June.  I let Karen know that I was committed, as an officer of the California Republican Party, to the election of Maldonado (despite our significant differences on some policy and political issues).  I even went a step further and counseled Karen not to do this – not to run as a write-in candidate.  

Karen, who a smart and astute person knew that this would be my counsel.  It was clear that she was not calling me to ask me for advice, she had already made up her mind – she is “all in” on this effort.  She told me that she is resigning her various party positions, and is devoting the bulk of her time between now and the election spreading her message.  The reason she called me, frankly, was in my role as publisher of the FlashReport.  She asked me if I would feature a column from her that explains to our readers why she is running.

Initially, I was a bit resistant – mainly because I think her candidacy is a bad idea.   But as I thought about it more, I realized that we run columns frequently on this website where I disagree with the content.  Our mission here is to provide information and insights to our readers on things going on in California – with a special focus on the center-right to right-right.  Karen’s candidacy clearly would qualify – and her decision to run is a significant event as Karen is not some sort of gadfly – she is a highly visible, highly respected advocate for conservative principles in this state.

Anyways, I don’t know that I will devote much attention to Karen’s candidacy, other than reminding our readers on occasion that a vote written-in for Karen is, in reality, a vote for Gavin Newsom. 

OK, all of that said, here is the piece that Karen submitted to the FlashReport, so you can read why she is doing what she is doing, in her own words.

by Karen England

I began the week, along with many of you, urging acting governor Abel Maldonado to file the State’s appeal in the federal case involving Proposition 8.  I end the week as his opponent and a candidate for the office of Lieutenant Governor. 

To some this may seem extreme or be dismissed as a publicity stunt.  It is neither.  It is the proper response when we find the two front runners for the office of Lieutenant Governor do not share our principles, our values or our respect for the legal system.

The democratic nominee and mayor of San Francisco is the poster child for self-indulgent government that disregards the will of the public.  The Republican nominee, who leveraged betrayal of his party into an appointment to this vacant position, showed an inability to properly lead in his brief debut this past week as acting governor.  His actions were so disturbing that I believe he is now unelectable to this position.

If Republicans and conservatives wish to be represented in this important office, we must look beyond the names preprinted on our ballots.  Today I offer myself as a write-in candidate for the office of California Lieutenant Governor.

Admittedly my sudden candidacy raises many questions.  As a longtime Republican I am open to criticism in running against the Republican nominee.  Won’t my candidacy hurt the chances for the Republican nominee?  Should we not just go for the win and support whoever has an R behind their name? 

First, as I noted before, I believe that Abel Maldonado has made himself unelectable.  My candidacy may be the only chance for a Republican to win this seat.

But more than that, Republicans have been tempted too many times to “go for the win”.  If Abel Maldonado was running for reelection as governor, I might be persuaded that I should hold my nose and vote for the member of my party.  But he is not.   He is running for an office with much less power that is often seen as the governor-in-waiting.  We need to send a clear message now that Maldonado should not be regarded as the favorite for the Republican nomination for governor four or eight years down the road.

If you want to join me in restoring integrity and principled leadership to the office of Lieutenant Governor, please visit our web site at

26 Responses to “Prominent Conservative Leader Karen England Announces Write-In Candidacy For Lt. Governor”

  1. Says:

    What a stupid idea! Petulant write-in candidacies whether by conservative Karen England in California or moderate Lisa Murkowski in Alaska are destructive acts that ONLY serve the Liberal Agenda. Gavin Newson will be laughing all the way to the voting both–and he’ll probably get his liberal friends to send England some campaign $$ to boot!

  2. Says:

    Thank you, Karen. You have my vote.

  3. Says:

    @Chris Karen is the one candidate on the statewide ticket that we as Californian’s won’t have to hold our noses to vote for. She embodies the core values of the Republican Party ( or at least what the original Republican Party stood for!) Abel is a candidate that when first nominated for the LT Gov seat was rejected by both sides! While Prop 8 may have been her catalyst to run, the real reason is to uphold the constitutional rights as voters. Prop 8 or some other version can always go back on the ballot next time, but to overturn the voters voice, what is the point of voting and why even bother campaigning? I support and endorse Karen England for Lt Gov!!!

  4. Says:

    If someone must launch a quixotic bid for political office–as many gadflys and naive people often do, the campaigns usually result in disastrous, mismanaged, pathetic looking things. The only thing I ask is that the person harbor no delusions about actually winning.

    I know of a few people out here who ran for local office and had campaign signs that looked like they were painted by 2nd graders or the high school student government. If you can’t be a viable candidate, don’t run. Why waste time and money? Is there not a better way to make a symbolic point?

    I say these things not to trash the candidacy of Karen England (whose reservations I share about the GOP nominee for LG), but to counsel well meaning activists and other respected leaders to channel their time and money into more constructive activities.

  5. Says:

    Karen, you have my vote. I will no longer hold my nose to vote for any candidate. There seems to be the belief out there that a bad Republican is better than a bad Democrat. I believe that a bad Republican (i.e. Schwarzenegger) does MORE damage than a bad Democrat. I and many like me would otherwise not vote for either candidate which makes the argument of giving votes to Newsome moot.

  6. Says:

    This is great, go for it Karen.

    As a national board member for the Tea Party Patriots (TPP) I have to say this will be a very interesting drill.
    The TPP have over 2,700 groups across the United States. Our emails reach 20 million people. We hold tightly to three principles, fiscal responsibility, limited Constitutional government, and the free market. Certainly by any objective standard Abel fails on each of these three principles, and is in fact hostile to these three principles and to the TPPs.

    We look forward to seeing the radio talk show hosts, the Republican leaders and the Republican elected officials who support Able and thereby prove themselves to be hostile to the three TPP principles of fiscal responsibility, limited Constitutional government and the free market. We look forward to helping you join the Mike Castle club.

    Every county Republican central committee needs to prove they are not hostile to these three principles. They must immediately meet to confirm they believe in fiscal responsibility, limited Constitutional government and the free market thereby pulling their endorsement from Abel and endorsing Karen England and these three principles. We really don’t want to see the Mike Castle club grow.

  7. Says:

    Now this is truly hilarious!!!!

  8. Says:

    Karen, I am a long time supporter of your efforts through CRI. I understand your absolute frustra-tion with Maldonado (and other RINOs), but splitting the conservative vote would truly hurt California. Keeping Maldonado within the party is it not possible that he will listen to the conservative voice of the GOP? The LG may be an honorary position, but it has grave potentials. Whatever your decision, you will always be my hero for tackling so many issues with courage and integrity.
    Grace M Alvarez, Twain Harte, CA

  9. Says:

    It looks like Ken Campbell is trying to turn the Tea Party organizations into a purity circle jerk. Someone call Christine O’Donnell to put a stop to it.

  10. Says:

    Robert Bosich, I am glad you find this hilarious. Our Federal government has trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. Our Federal and State government is on a spending spree piling up mountains of debt on generations to come which they will never be able to pay back. Government is expanding at an exponential rate taking away our freedom and liberty, imposing on us all sorts of onerous and tyrannical laws and regulations… and Robert you think that is “hilarious”. What a guy.

    And Nick Mikulicich you seem to believe that government living within their means, a free market- ridding ourselves of Obama’s socialism, and a limited Constitutional government… asking for that is purity?? Gee whiz, you guys are lost.

    Do you not see the current direction of our State and Federal government is unsustainable? We cannot continue in this direction!!! And we cannot continue to elect politicians that continue to take us in that direction. Pull your head out of the sand! This is why people are so mad at Democrats and “establishment” Republicans.

  11. Says:

    The good news: Karen England “… is resigning her various party positions, and is devoting the bulk of her time between now and the election spreading her message.” The bad news: um, there is no bad news here.

  12. Says:

    On a serious note, once again a far right wing person – a one issue person – divides the Republican vote and ushers in the Democrat. Way to go, Karen. Gavin will send you a bouquet of roses right after he is sworn in. I know you would like to round up all the gays and send them off to a desert island. But why are you punishing this state by inflicting Gavin on us just because you hate gay people?

  13. Says:

    Can someone explain why voting for Meg is any better? Jon, perhaps you should join Karen and run for Governor as a right write-in and then we would have the beginning of a ticket.


  14. Says:

    Bob you overlooked the bad news for “establishment” Republicans and Democrats like yourself… this is not an ordinary election cycle. Ordinary, productive taxpayers are fed up with your business-as-usual, generational theft, and silly laws and regulations. There is an earthquake coming and to use the “N” word that “establishment” Republicans and Democrats hate so much… “November”. Say “Hi” to Mike Castle Bob.

  15. Says:

    Well, Lisa Murkowski just announced her write-in candidacy which may cost Conservative Joe Miller a seat in the U.S. Senate. Are you happy now Ken?
    Petulant write-in candidates like Murkowski and Englands are really nothing but USEFUL IDIOTS FOR THE LEFT. Very sad.

  16. Says:

    Hey Chris, Charlie Crist is running as an independent in Florida… how is that working for you. Should Marco Rubio be scared?

    Chris, people are not stupid, especially in this election cycle. Although “establishment” Republicans and Democrats are completely lost, Tea Party people know what is up and where they are going.

    From someone who has personally seen the resources I guarantee Karen’s candidacy will surprise many and completely ambush “establishment” Republicans and Democrats.

  17. Says:

    As much as I dislike saying so, I think Ken Campbell is correct. Karen and the other far right wing people will run well financed campaigns and will split the Republican vote and end up winning their various seats for the Democrats. As you all know, this has happened before when the CRA ran straw write-in far right wing candidates against the front runner Republican and managed to seat the Democrat. Then they would say “well the voters deserve what they got” or “we are sending the voters a message” or some other nonsense. And people wonder why we have a solid left wing legislature and most constitutional offices in the hands of far left wing Democrats and why the great golden state is firmly in the crapper. Way to go, far right wing-nuts for what you have done to this state that I was born in and love. Thanks a bunch.

  18. Says:


    Marc Rubio WON the Republican Primary and has the support of Republicans throughout Florida. Like Arlen Specter, Crist knew he would lose and ran as a Democrat-Independent. Marc is a great candidate who will win in November. By contrast, England and Murkowski are petulants with no chance of success–except to help liberal Democrats win. With your ‘rule or ruin’ attitude Ken, it is not surprising that your home of Placer County–the 2nd most GOP County in California–has declined from 5 Republican County Supervisors to 2 Republican Supervisors in the past two years.

  19. Says:

    Bob Evans, it is more than obvious you have never been to a Tea Party meeting. I was sitting in an Auburn Tea Party meeting of about 300, and the speaker was curious as to registration of the attendees. He asked Republicans to raise their hands, followed by Democrats and then Independents. About ½ the group was Republicans, 30% Independents and about 20% were Democrats. In fact in the Tea party leadership there are Independents and Democrats. What binds us together is the belief in fiscal responsibility, limited Constitutional government and the free market. We are sick and tired of “establishment” politicians such as Abel, you Bob and others who support “establishment” Republicans such as Abel… who are on a spending spree, piling up mountains of debt on our kids and who are destroying the free market. Bob, enjoy, while you can, November is at hand.

    Chris, I am not in charge of Placer County… when I left five years ago we were 52.55% Republican, the most Republican county in CA, and we had five Republican supervisors. If I was in charge now things would be much different… we would all be joining the Tea Party Patriots. And Chris, nice spin on Charlie Crist, I believe if you look at the real history, when Charlie Crist jumped ship everyone thought either Crist would win or the Democrat would win…. kind of like people are currently saying about a couple other senate races. Bottom line, the people are not stupid and they are not falling for all that B.S.

    “… The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments, of their duties and obligations… The radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.” John Adams, February 13, 1818. Bob, Chris and other “establishment” Republicans and Democrats are so clueless and out of touch you don’t even realize the opening shots of the second American revolution has already been fired…. And you should be thanking God there are millions of Americans who do not have their head in the sand who are going to save your rear along with this country.

  20. Says:

    So Ken Campbell’s mission is to spend as much Republican resources as possible to get Karen England elected to the least important state elected position. I guess Tony Strickland, Mimi Walters, and Damon Dunn can all just pound sand because winning important offices isn’t to be bothered with – even if you think that Karen England can beat Abel Maldonado among all voters AS A WRITE-IN when Senator Sam Aanestad couldn’t beat him among Republican primary voters.

    You’re a delusional petty tyrant, Ken. I’ll leave it to Denis Leary to express how I feel about you.

  21. Says:

    Well Tony Strickland and Damon Dunn were supported by “Erin” Park, so yeah, they can go pound sand! Ken, when did you sellout and endorse the corruption by becoming a National Board Member for TPP?

  22. Says:

    There’s a lot of TP sentiment and goals I agree with.

    Unfortunately, one should never confuse noise and enthusiasm for size, competence and end results.

    The CA Republicans have been tone-deaf on issues that cost them big every CA eletction cycle, and the TPers don’t even have the mgmt skill & organization to get that far. And they borrowed the rest of their organizational skill sets from the highly effective Libertarian party :)

    I’m seeing a Ross Perot effect – quite a few TPers will tank to Dems.

    The biggest problem with the TPers isn’t the TP or even some of the stances, but themselves – no media skills, open their mouths at the wrong time, emphasize the wrong things, etc.

    Christine O’Donnell is already a loss in Delaware, and the seat will go to the Dem opponent. (For the record, I am happy to see Mike Castle be wiped out since he’s antigun and an NRA enemy. But O’Donnell is doing everything to alienate herself from the polity in that area.)

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA

  23. Says:

    Karen has my vote. I see no difference between Maldanado and Newsome. The last time we voted the lesser of two evils we got ARNOLD. As long as the GOP has candidates like this The GOP will have difficulty making progress in CA. CA is so full of liberals that I am not sure how much more I can take. I agree with LaTonya. No more holding my nose.

  24. Says:

    So, Mr. Urdahl, you would prefer that Cruz Bustamante had been elected instead of Governor Schwarzenegger? Interesting. Or perhaps you think that Tom McClintock would have been elected if Mr. Schwarzenegger had not run? Think again. Had the contest been between McClintock and Bustamante, Bustamante would have won. The results, in case you do not remember them, were: Schwarzenegger, 48.58 percent, Bustamante, 31.47 percent and McClintock, 13.41 percent. In my opinion, that 13.41 percent vote total probably represented the total vote for a far right wing Republican in this state. I sometimes see, on this and other right wing sites, that combining the Schwarzenegger and McClintock totals equals 62 percent and therefore the state is a right wing state and also that McClintock would have won. I don’t think that is either intellectually or factually correct. Had the vote been between only Bustamante and McClintock, the best McClintock would have got was 35 to 40 percent and we would have had one of the worst and most ineffectual governors in all history of California. But you go right ahead, cast your vote for Karen, and count it as another vote for Gavin Newsom.

  25. Says:

    Forgetting about Newsom v. Maldonado for a moment….

    I must ask…….

    Do any of you England supporters really believe she has a chance to win? When did a write in last win office? Think it through, look back at political history, summon up all the knowledge you have about how campaigns and elections work, and ask yourselves, does she really have a chance? Would you bet money on it?

    If this campaign is purely to make a symbolic point, is it worth it to spend all that money on filing fees, etc.? Don’t you think that money could have been better spent supporting Strickland, Walters, or a another CRA type Republican who is viable?

  26. Says:

    Gosh, why all the love for Maldo? Just because he has an R in front of his name? Very sad. What are you really winning with him as Lt. gov anyway?

    I for one am sick of paying all the tax increases he voted for so Arnold would appoint him Lt. gov. and I am not looking forward to the “Open Primary” he pushed to get where he is. So please dispense with the right vs left false arguments.

    Better the real dem get blamed for these actions than someone with an R in front of their name as it has only served to destroy our Party’s credibility and more importantly, our State.

    Karen – you definitely have my vote and I will tell everyone I know about your candidacy and courage as well.