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Jon Fleischman

Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan?

Here is the question that Attorney General and ersatz redux Governor Brown needs to answer…

Tuesday night during the debate Jerry Brown said he would deport illegal immigrants who break the law. So will he deport Nicky Diaz Santillan, the former housekeeper of Meg Whitman who now acknowledges that she is in the United States in violation of the law?

It is pretty obvious to anyone with any degree of political acumen or common sense that Brown and his public union comrades have coordinated this conveniently-timed media circus. It is time that Jerry Brown be forced to answer the question, what will he do?  "Nicky" has been used by Gloria Allred — and has admitted to committed perjury, possibly committed identity theft and may have obtained a driver’s license with fraudulent documentation. Will Jerry Brown prosecute and deport her for her crimes?
For those wondering what Brown will do, and maybe for Attorney General Brown’s own benefit, here is exactly what he said at the debate: “Every person arrested their fingerprints are taken and they are sent to my office and I now send them to the immigration office and if they are found to be here illegally they are made subject to deportation. I think if we’re going to work on illegal immigration let’s start with those who break the law. Let’s get them deported while we work for the overall comprehensive immigration reform.”


6 Responses to “Will Attorney General Brown Deport Nicky Diaz Santillan?”

  1. Says:

    A total unfortunate case about Nicky…how would you like to be thrown out in the gutter like garbage????

    Nine years bonafide employment, family trust, obviously….come on….no performance reviews, no Management by Objectives, no fung soooheee, no spots and warts in her performance jacket, no professional accountant nit picking the tax/benefit paperwork?

    Think on the time or times you were summarily shown the exit door leading you to financial limbo????

    We gotta have kinder, friendly, more compassionate politics? Eh????

  2. Says:

    Jon, I hope you are not holding your breath waiting for Brown to deport Ms Santillan.

  3. Says:

    I love the way the newspapers keep referring to Nicky Diaz Santillan as an “undocumented worker.” Have you noticed that?

    This lady had documents, but the problem was that they were all fraudulent!

    Why can’t newspaper reporters understand the difference between undocumented workers and ILLEGAL ALIENS?

    Fortunately, we have the Flash Report to educate the mainstream media about the meaning of the word ILLEGAL.

    I certainly will not hold my breath waiting for Jerry Brown to enforce the laws against fraudulent documentation that “Nicky” allegedly violated.

  4. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Brown and Alred thought this would be a smart card to play, however they did not think things through as to how this ploy will backfire against himself and illegals.

    Californians watching this news unfold were only offended by a criminal illegal alien crying on TV that she was under payed at $23.00 per hour. This works out to $47,840 per year. That is more than many teachers make with a Master’s Degree.

    Nine years total pay = $430,560.00
    Wow, she should be driving a used Lambo insured by Geico.

    Now that the same news has been broadcasted in Mexico, there will be a new massive new heard of them coming now that they just found out housekeepers make $47,840 per hour over here.

    You would think that eMeg would be getting some repect and thanks from latinos for paying such a generous wage.

    Meg is the clear winner of this backfire. Jerry Brown will now be responsible for the next illegal alien death in the desert who will no doubt have a copy of the job offer in his or hers back pack.

    Thanks Jerry.

  5. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    Ooops..$47,840 per annum , not hour.That buys a @#!% load of pinatas!

  6. Says:

    Lets not miss the vital point….when you dance with the devil….kapeesh?

    He without sin cast the first rock…

    This gal put in nine big ones for the Globalist….the little people are starting to revolt…get used to it RINOS…and watch it… as you drive to home improvement stores to pick up your slave labor….