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Ray Haynes

Is She Throwing It Away?

I realize I am not the smartest political strategist around, but I have a question?  Why, in a year where conservative issues are transcendant, conservative activists are energized, and conservative voters just can’t wait to vote, would a candidate run around the state trying to prove she is not a conservative?  Do you think there is a reason why Meg Whitman seems to be falling apart, and Carly Fiorina is on the rise?  Wouldn’t it be an interesting commentary on the "traditional" wisdom of the political intelligentsia in California if the conservative Fiorina won, and the "moderate" Whitman lost?

I want to make sure I am not misunderstood.  I don’t want Whitman to lose.  I have already voted, and I voted for her.  But, to be honest, I was in the voting booth, and thought twice about it.  And trust me, if I thought twice about it, there are a lot of conservatives who will just walk away.  In fact, it is my opinion that Whitman can still win this, but it will be because conservatives like Fiorina and Senator Mimi Walters are in the race, so conservatives will turn out to vote for them, and then just hold their nose and vote for Whitman.  There will also be a conservative wave that hits back East, and it will be clear by 5 or 6 pm that Republicans will win Congress.  Democrats here in California will simply not show up to the polls after that, causing about a 10 to 15 percent drop off in turn out.  It happened in 1980 and in 1994.  It may be more severe this time.

I understand that it is difficult for a Republican to win in California.  There are two reasons for that phenomenon: (1) There aren’t enough Republicans registered in California, and (2) Republican officeholders tend to follow the "traditional" wisdom that they have to be moderate to win statewide.  Interestingly enough, moderates, like Tom Campbell, get about 39% of the vote, every time.  Conservatives, like Tom McClintock, get 49% of the vote.  Go figure.

Why is that?  Most people don’t think there is a dime’s worth of difference between the parties, but they listen to the candidates.  A candidate that sounds different than the party wins, and since most people think that the parties are the Democans and Republicrats, someone that doesn’t sound like a Democrat actually gets voters intrigued.  How do you separate yourself from the Republican party in the minds of the independent voters?  Sound like a conservative, that’s how.  That is why Fiorina is moving up in the polls, and Whitman is moving down.

Jerry Brown is a joke.  He should have been put away long ago.  The Whitman strategy, however, is defective.  Why distance yourself from conservatives on illegal immigration and Proposition 23?  It was foolish.  It was a strategy of contempt for conservatives, and conservatives know it.  Why would you hold a key Republican constituency in contempt, and then expect them to vote for you?  Particularly in a year when conservative issues are predominant.  It makes no sense.

Once again, I hope Whitman wins, but like I said before, this race was Whitman’s to lose, and she is doing everything in her power to lose it.  Let’s hope Fiorina, Walters and the other statewide conservatives pull it out for her.

7 Responses to “Is She Throwing It Away?”

  1. Says:

    Ray asks

    “Is She Throwing It Away? ”



  2. Says:

    Like you, I’m thinking twice. No excitement for Meg here in this conservative Tea Party home. She’d have done a lot better with republicans and independents if she stood for something we can appreciate.

    One interesting lesson here is that money can not necessarily buy an election–and that’s good!

  3. Says:

    “The Republican’s best talent have to set aside their chosen professions for a while and like the Tea Party, dedicate their time, money and talent to right our ship of state. The time is now.” H.L. Richardson
    This is precisely what Meg Whitman has done. As a long-time political activist, I didn’t like that Meg didn’t vote or register.
    But, that’s beside the point. She is choosing to lead when her abilities and experience are desperately needed, and she has the great generosity to put her own money up to do it. Heed H.L.R’s words, and get behind her with a vengeance.

  4. Says:

    Yes she is throwing it away. I was with someone yesterday as they filled out their absentee ballot. The voter voted on the issues not the party which means many Libertarinans got the votes. The voter held their nose and voted for Carly. But because of Meg’s stance on 23 there was no way in hades she would vote for Meg so Dale Ogden got the vote.

    Of course they voted for Andy Favor for State Controller.

    And yes on 19.

  5. Says:

    Drat! The posh “victory party” hotel bash most likely will be moved to the VFW in El Monte or East Palo Alto!

    No its bitsy finger food or RINO operatives in buffed up penny loafers, only Charles Shaw Chardonnay, Kraft cream cheese dip laced with “water parched” diced Central Valley olives and WW2 surplus canned crackers…..drat!

  6. Says:

    Haynes hits it our of the park – again!

    When the “conservative wave hits back East, and it will be clear by 5 or 6 pm that Republicans will win Congress. Democrats here in California will simply not show up to the polls after that, causing about a 10 to 15 percent drop off in turn out.”

    That is when California Republicans need to turn up the turnout and win some of our close Congressional and other races! The Props are also critical.

    Check out this short GOTV video. It is one of the best in years:

  7. Says:

    The hundreds of thousands of single- issue gun voters in CA like myself are simply NOT going to vote for eMeg the gungrabber.

    Her lack of understanding that the 2nd Amendment is a “fundamental” right means her “reasonable restrictions” ideas are out the window. I and many other CA gunnies have zero confidence she will veto bad gun bills the legislature throws out.

    CA Republicans, call us gunnies back when you can send up a viable pro-gun candidate – not the execrable Whitman or the nebbish little Stevie Poizner.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA