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Barry Jantz

Your Nine Days Out Campaign Advice

What would you typically do on Sunday, if you weren’t campaigning? 

So, what’s your excuse today?

Even while in the midst of a campaign, always make time for your family, and always take the time to thank God for your blessings, including the fact that you have the right to seek public office.


All of Barry’s enlightening advice…and other posts.

5 Responses to “Your Nine Days Out Campaign Advice”

  1. Says:

    There are no comments!

  2. Says:

    Yes there are…


  3. Says:

    At least there is one fan out there!!!

  4. Says:

    Barry doesn’t need a ton of comments to know he has a lot of readers in San Diego (I would assume statewide too but I do know of his readership locally). This series of campaign advice has been fun to read – serious but not in a serious vein. Sometimes pure common sense. Keep it up!

  5. Says:

    Two fans!