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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Your Last Campaign Advice, a Mix on the Election, and Getting the Heck out of the Way

Your Five Days After Campaign Advice… You shoulda listened to me.  Uhh, okay, that was really unfair.  So, let’s move on.  Watch for my San Diego Winners and Losers here in the next few days.  In the meantime, a brief post-election pot-pourri from the San Diego area…

A San Diego Sweep… Revolution 2010 may have been ignored by most California voters, but in San Diego there were conservative and GOP victories in a number of key races, not the least of which is a Republican winning a long-held Dem seat on the San Diego City Council.  Jim Sills at SD Rostra shares his musings on the top wins:

Conservatives take all the "Big 5" races in San Diego’s election showdown

So, What Do We Do Now?… Much was made during the election — at least by the proponents — of the sheer devastation the City of San Diego would face if the Prop D sales tax increase failed.  Voters didn’t buy the scare (I won’t say "tactics"), rejecting the measure overwhelmingly.  It was a clear message of "Enough already."  Yet, it’s also clear that now the city council has to work together to find a solution to ongoing budget shortfalls, an effort needed prior to this, by the way.  As promised, Councilman Carl DeMaio released his plan on Friday, which is now being reviewed by Mayor Jerry Sanders and other city leaders.  Here’s DeMaio’s plan:

DeMaio unveils "Roadmap to Recovery" plan that balances city’s budget and reforms pension system

Voice of San Diego also says, "It’s In Carl’s Hands Now."

Dewey Defeats Truman Version 2010 Photo Caption… That "flipped" San Diego City Council seat? Long held by Democrat Donna Frye, won by Republican Lorie Zapf, defeating former Assemblyman Howard Wayne in a donnybrook.  Yet, the Union-Tribune, or at least an on-line photo caption writer with the paper, didn’t seem to understand the vote count.  An alert blogger at SD Rostra, "Sunshine," picked up the error, while sharing his dismay with the U-T’s other election coverage:

SDUT: Dewey defeats Truman

See the photo and incorrect caption

How About Nothing?… Townhall and SD Rostra writer Bob Siegel provides this bit of brilliance, in response to media questions posed to John Boehner:

Boehner is being asked what Republicans will do to create jobs since they didn’t care for the ideas coming from Obama and his fiscally brilliant staff of golden goose growers … My Republican friends, lest you forget the very temporary, extremely probationary provision with which you were sent back to Washington, lest you start faltering less than 24 hours after the victory, allow your ol’ pal Bob to supply a pithy answer in the dumbed down style that seems to work for a culture with a memory the size of a single Skittle: "What will we do to create jobs? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Nothing other than getting the h-ll out of the way!!"

Have a great week!


Barry’s prior posts. Twitter: @barryjantz

2 Responses to “Sunday San Diego: Your Last Campaign Advice, a Mix on the Election, and Getting the Heck out of the Way”

  1. Says:

    Good write-up Barry. We have something unique in San Diego; a coalition of center-right organizations and individuals who work TOGETHER – and not in competition – with each other. A big thanks to all our coalition partners and the hundreds of San Diego volunteers who worked hard to realize our victories. A special mention had to go to our candidates as well. For example Sam Abed (who won mayor of Escondido) and Farrah Douglas (Carlsbad city council) set the new standard for working hard and walking precincts, and proudly espousing conservative values while doing do. Go Team San Diego!

  2. Says:

    Thanks, Tony. A lot of credit goes to the local GOP under the leadership of Mr. Krvaric. As noted above, watch for my upcoming Winners and Losers column to see all the mentions.