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Meredith Turney

“This is why the people have thrown you out of office!”

If anyone has any remaining questions as to why Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives earlier this month, take a look at this video.


The video shows Indiana Republican Congressman Steve Buyer trying to be recognized by California’s Democrat Congresswoman Laura Richardson, who was running the floor at the time. She repeatedly tries to use parliamentary chicanery to deter him from expressing outrage that a bill bypassed the committee process. 

Republicans are particularly sensitive to this kind of trickery, considering Democrats are trying to pass their remaining agenda items during the lame duck session. Trying to further shove their agenda on the American people after such a sharp repudiation shows just how arrogant and unheeding Democrats have become in their fundamental transformation of our government and society.  

Frustrated at Richardson’s robotic, vapid unwillingness to recognize him, Buyer exclaims, “This is why the people have thrown you out of office!” It was a great smackdown—and particularly satisfying for those of us who have had to deal with California Democrats running a legislature. 

Congressman Buyer, thanks for challenging California Democrats’ “parliamentary procedure.” It’s too bad California voters don’t understand that every time they send a Nancy Pelosi or Laura Richardson to Washington, DC, or Sacramento, this is exactly the kind of circus they bring to town. It’s completely anti-democratic and it’s a betrayal of the orderly, contemplative government process designed to pass just laws on behalf of the people.