Meredith Turney

Meredith Turney is a social and new media political consultant.
Active in the California Republican Party since fifteen, Meredith worked on numerous local campaigns in Orange County, California. After attending the Republican National Convention as a youth delegate at sixteen, Meredith commenced an internship with Congressman Christopher Cox and then worked for California Assembly Republican Leader Scott Baugh. Meredith has served as a contributing editor of the St. Annes audio journal on social and theological issues, interviewing key political, theological and academic leaders. In addition to regular interviews on national talk radio shows, her articles and policy work appear in numerous print publications. Meredith was appointed by Senator Tom McClintock to the California Republican Party and served as a Vice President of the California Republican Assembly.
Meredith has extensive public policy experience, having worked as the Legislative Liaison for California's premiere pro-family public policy organization, Capitol Resource Family Impact. The first female graduate of the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University, Meredith received her juris doctorate, with cum laude honors, from Oak Brook College of Law.
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