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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Mike Pence Makes Swing Through LA, Orange Counties

On Sunday and Monday, United States Congressman Mike Pence made a brief swing through Los Angeles  and Orange County.  Pence, the former Chairman of the House Republican Conference (the number three slot in leadership) stepped down from his leadership post recently — leading to much speculation that the well-respected conservative Representative might be looking at a run for the White House, or for Governor.  As things have evolved, it is all but certain that Pence will run for Governor of his home state of Indiana (all eyes are on current Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who himself is eying a run at the Presidency).

Pence’s visit started with a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Los Angeles, followed by a day of gatherings in Orange County.  At lunchtime yesterday he spoke to a luncheon hosted by the Pacific Research Institute, followed by an intimate roundtable with members of the Family Action PAC (I participated in this and was really impressed the the Congressman’s depth and commitment to faith and principles).  Pence then went onto an event for the Orange County Lincoln Club.  I caught up with him again for a sunset reception on the patio of the Balboa Bay Club.  There Pence delivered some strong remarks, after being introduced by his colleague Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.  I had the Flash FlipCam with me, and so I took video of the entire introduction and speech, which are below.  To finish his successful day, the Congressman held an intimate dinner at the Villa Nova restaurant on Newport Harbor.  There he raised money for his leadership fund.  Big congrats to FR friend Jenniffer Rodriguez who pulled the laboring oars to make the events for Pence wildly successful!

Rep. Mike Pence speaks to Orange County, CA GOP from Jon Fleischman on Vimeo.