It was a pleasure to help California Trailblazers kick-off its second candidate training for the 2013-14 election cycle last week in Burbank. The program followed the successful nuts and bolts training in Sacramento in April. Candidates were put through an election boot camp, which focused on communications and media training. Enthusiastic candidates from across the state listened to and learned from the best practitioners in political communication.
I talked with candidates about my experience running for office and offered tips and techniques on how best to interact with reporters and media during an election.
The lineup was impressive. Jonathan Wilcox, a former speech writer to Governor Wilson, Governor Deukmejian and President Reagan, explained how candidates should develop a comprehensive communications strategy and execute a strong roll out.
Jeff Montejano offered his expertise to attendees as well. Jeff of KCOMM, is a veteran of California Republican politics and has more than a decade of private sector experience working with fortune 500 companies to help CEOs with crisis communications. Jeff offered on-camera training for the candidates, teaching them how to navigate through interviews effectively. My colleague, Assemblyman Scott Wilk shared with attendees his transition as a candidate from local to state legislative office. He highlighted the Caucus’ efforts to recruit local officials to run for the Assembly and Senate.
As the training continued, Ryan Meerstein of Targeted Victory, who oversaw Governor Mitt Romney’s campaign for President and manages social media for candidates such as Senator Marco Rubio and Governor Susana Martinez presented on how to implement tactics effectively and engage voters on evolving social media platforms.
The FlashReport’s own, Jon Fleischman followed up Meerstein’s presentation. Jon, whose expertise reaches far beyond social media and the blogosphere, discussed how candidates can use social media successfully. His rich knowledge of California politics translated into a tremendous presentation for attendees.
Hector Barajas and George Ray of Univision educated the candidates on engaging with Latino communities. The duo outlined the issues most important to Latinos and recommended communication channels that are most effective for sharing Republican messages to different audiences. Lastly, Brent Barksdale, Executive Vice President of Jamestown Associates coached the candidates in radio, TV and web advertisements. He taught the candidates the ins and outs of producing spots that engage and garner voters’ support.
The California Trailblazers Board of Directors, in conjunction with the Assembly and Senate Caucuses, has been working hard to recruit good candidates for targeted seats. The Trailblazers program, through its training, is ensuring our candidates for Assembly and Senate reflect the changing landscape of the state and are prepared to run for state legislative offices. As a member of the elections committee, I’m excited about this cycle and the work that California Trailblazers is doing to help prepare our candidates to run, win and lead in the state legislature.