Diapers, diapers, diapers for everyone!
If ever there was evidence of the need for a part time Legislature in California, it is now: California Democrats are pushing a diaper subsidy program for welfare parents.
The rationale for this idea is right out of the welfare-state handbook: low-income parents cannot take advantage of free or subsidized child care if they cannot afford to leave disposable diapers with their child at care facilities.
This is nothing more than an increase in welfare payments to welfare recipients, without actually identifying it as an increase. California taxpayers would be livid if Democratic lawmakers were honest about increasing welfare payments.
There are more than 15 different welfare and assistance programs for needy Californjia families, administered by state and federal agencies.
Diaper subsidy
AB 1516 by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, would create a new taxpayer-subsidized program to provide eligible families already participating in CalWORKS, with $80 a month to buy diapers for children under the age of two.
“Assemblyman Mark Stone, D-Scotts Valley, said the true cost of the bill would be lower than estimated, because it removes an obstacle that sometimes keeps poor parents at home,” the Sacramento Bee reported. “Day care centers typically require parents to drop off disposable diapers with their children,” opined the Bee reporter. “If diapers are out of reach, child care might not be an option, which means holding down a job might be impossible as well.”
“Stone and other supporters claim AB 1516 would help parents get to work and off CalWORKs benefits sooner, thus saving the state money.”
“Instead of expanding our welfare system and keeping millions dependent upon government, we should implement business-friendly policies enabling those out of work to obtain a job and provide for their families,” Assemblywoman Shannon Grove said in a statement.
At 14. cents per diaper at WalMart, a box of WalMart brand costs only $19.77.
Huggies cost .19 cents each, and Pampers a whopping .25 cents each.
$80 will buy a lot of diapers – about 400 – 500, depending on price.
California welfare payments depend on family size. For two people — typically a mother and child — the amount paid is about $490 per month; for three people it is about $600; and for four people it is about about $740.
Welfare Queens
The outrageous stories of welfare recipients traveling to Hawaii and Las Vegas still resonate.
California welfare recipients, receive the most generous “benefits” in the nation. In 2010, the Los Angeles Times reported $69 million from 2007 to 2010 in California welfare money, “meant to help the needy pay their rent and clothe their children, has been spent or withdrawn outside the state in recent years, including millions in Las Vegas, hundreds of thousands in Hawaii and thousands on cruise ships sailing from Miami.”
The Electronic Benefit VISA Cards were used at hotels, shops, restaurants, ATMs and other places in 49 other states, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam, according to data obtained by The LA Times from the California Department of Social Services – a whopping $11.8 million of the cash benefits, was spent by welfare recipients in Las Vegas.
Welfare during the 1950s and 1960s was no walk in the park: food stamps were used to purchase mediocre food, crummy housing, and welfare recipients were often treated as inferiors.
However, this spurred many children raised in these welfare conditions to want more as adults, earn a living, avoid handouts, and learn to live frugally if necessary.
Where is this headed?
Anticipate an increase in the price increases of diapers once the law goes into effect. Once corporate America knows the government is paying for something, the price escalates.
This is just another way to encourage welfare mothers to keep on having babies.
Here’s what the bill says:
SEC. 3. Section 11450 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read:
11450. (a) (1) Aid shall be paid for each needy family, which shall include all eligible brothers and sisters of each eligible applicant or recipient child and the parents of the children, but shall not include unborn children, or recipients of aid under Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 12000), qualified for aid under this chapter. In determining the amount of aid paid, and notwithstanding the minimum basic standards of adequate care specified in Section 11452, the family’s income, exclusive of any amounts considered exempt as income or paid pursuant to subdivision (e) or Section 11453.1, determined for the prospective semiannual period pursuant to Sections 11265.1, 11265.2, and 11265.3, and then calculated pursuant to Section 11451.5, shall be deducted from the sum specified in the following table, as adjusted for cost-of-living increases pursuant to Section 11453 and paragraph (2). In no case shall the amount of aid paid for each month exceed the sum specified in the following table, as adjusted for cost-of-living increases pursuant to Section 11453 and paragraph (2), plus any special needs, as specified in subdivisions (c), (e), (f), and (g):
Number of eligible needypersons inthe same home |
Maximum aid |
1 …………………… |
$ 326 |
2 …………………… |
535 |
3 …………………… |
663 |
4 …………………… |
788 |
5 …………………… |
899 |
6 …………………… |
1,010 |
7 …………………… |
1,109 |
8 …………………… |
1,209 |
9 …………………… |
1,306 |
10 or more …………………… |
1,403 |