Can you believe the people he is picking to be in his cabinet? There are so many billionaires. They have not worked for the departments or agencies for which they could possibly helm. Do they even have a college education? And if they have a college education, did they go to the right schools? Have you even heard of some of these colleges? Barbarians are storming us.
He thinks they are going to overhaul the departments that they are appointed to oversee. How are they going to do that without having worked in them for years and have known all the players? You know if they are outsiders the people who run these departments will not listen to them and neither should they. They don’t understand how things operate in Washington.
Can you believe this Musk guy wants to cut two trillion dollars out of the budget? He can’t do that. And he wants to demand that government employees work from their government offices instead of home. He is going to ruin their lives. If they make cuts, then my state will not get its promised allocation of funds. How will we exist?
“I talked to and argued with groups from academia, from the media, from the financial community, from the foundation world, from you name it. I was appalled at what I found. There was an unbelievable degree of intellectual homogeneity, of acceptance of a standard set of views complete with cliché answers to every objection, of smug self-satisfaction at belonging to an in-group.” That is a quote from the great Milton Friedman. There is no date to the quote, but he left us in 2006. Things have only gotten worse since then.
An arguably mental midget made this statement, “Milton Friedman isn’t running the show anymore.” Biden made that while running for president. Well, he should have been because instead he hired Jared Bernstein to be his Chair of The Council of Economic Advisers. A man with no economics background. If he were the chair, can you imagine the others in that group? And look at the economic mess they created.
You can see the problem with Trump’s choices. First, they are not properly educated. Even if they have the “correct” education pedigree, then they don’t have the “correct” work experience. Even if they have run big businesses or were a state’s governor, they still are just not us. They don’t attend our soirees, and they don’t understand how things really work.
The resistance has been formed. The fascinating part of the resistance is it radiates from failed governments. Brandon Johnson, the Mayor of Chicago, has stated Trump is a threat to everything sensible. He accused Trump of wanting to dismantle public education. Mayor Johnson needs to focus a little on the horrendous performance of the school system he was hired to oversee by the teachers’ unions to protect their interests. Maybe Trump should actually do what Johnson is accusing him of doing.
California — which is a mess in so many ways — has decided to “Trump proof” the state. You have heard him shoot off his mouth (Newsom) about this while neglecting the $30 billion state budget deficit. California Speaker of the Assembly Robert Rivas joined in by promising America that California will protect them against Trump. He went big and decided Governor Newsom was thinking small. Attorney General Rob Bonta correctly predicted “progress will prevail.” Let’s see — San Francisco dumped their mayor; Oakland recalled their mayor; and Los Angeles voted out their negligent DA out of office by over 20%. There is progress.
After what was done by the last Administration with their crew of people that had only one person with any experience in the private sector, one might think we need some barbarians. What did all those distinguished degrees and vast experience in government positions or gladhanding from the outside do for us? Maybe all that vast experience was not really the path to running the government.
As stated by the brilliant Thomas Sowell, “The fatal danger of our times today is a growing intolerance and suppressions of both opinions and evidence that differ from the prevailing ideologies that dominate institutions, ranging from the academic world to the corporate world, the media, and governmental institutions.”
They may think these people are Barbarians at the gate, but if so, they are brought on by their predecessors’ own malfeasance and ineptitude. Bring on the Barbarians. They could not possibly do any worse.