Having COVID
When you first heard of it, it was something far away. Then it might come to our shores. It was here but was not a concern. Then it began to get serious and then it began to get scary. People were afraid to leave their homes. Some have been locked down since March. If you ventured out of the house you risked everything. The authorities instead of calming you were causing panic. But you are not the panicking type. You do everything responsible to protect yourself. Wash your hands a dozen times a day. Wear a mask around people. Keep your distance from people. Then you find out you have it. You have COVID.
You think it would be easy to know you have it. It isn’t. The authorities have you scared of anything going on with your body. You are over 50, but not in the high risk over-80 age group where most deaths are occurring, though that fact must be uncovered because it is not generally disclosed. Forty percent of deaths are still from people in nursing homes where the median life span is five months. Yet you get a sniffle or cough, or you wake up congested one morning and you run to look at the symptoms on the internet. The symptoms go away and relief returns. This time… Read More