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Bruce Bialosky

Biden’s Plan for Immigration

The Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force provides recommendations in six areas of domestic policy which are a roadmap for what Biden and his team want to accomplish if he is elected president. Despite little discussion about public policy at their convention, this is a detailed plan for domestic policy. Today we will look at their plans for immigration called Creating A 21st Century Immigration System.

There are two parts of the plan, a 4-page narrative of what they want to do and then a 9-page description of their policy recommendations.

A note of interest: Much like the criminal justice system the problems are not at all from the immigrants or potential immigrants. Our system is the problem. The last two Republican presidents have wanted to reform the system and there was very little effort from the Democrats and it certainly was not a priority of the Obama-Biden Administration.

Here are some points of what they describe:

1. Trump put children in cages. Cages that were built and paid for and used by the Obama -Biden Administration. They never… Read More

Ron Nehring

Race for Republican Nomination for Governor is Wide Open

This week, the Tax Foundation reported once again, California is one of the worst states in the country when it comes to its business climate. The state’s high taxes and enormous regulatory burden is disproportionately carried by the entrepreneurs, small businesses and independent contractors who lack the massive compliance departments of big companies like those which dominate Silicon Valley.

California needs to be rebalanced, and Republicans must summon the strength to do it. There is no alternative. There’s no magical taxpayer-friendly wing of the Democratic Party. No mystical non-partisan hero waiting in the wings. Ending one party rule in California can only come about with a Republican victory.

The nomination of a governor candidate in 2022 is central to the party’s success. Having served as the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor in 2014, I have seen first-hand the impact the top of the ticket has on our down-ballot prospects. Republicans swept almost all California statewide offices in 1994 on the strength of Gov. Pete Wilson’s re-election combined withRead More

Ray Haynes

We Live in an Autocracy

One party rule is dangerous, and we in California are living in that danger. Political and religious freedom are gone, and economic freedom and property rights are dying. Each day there is a new story about those in charge of our government using their power to oppress their political opponents, and press them into political servitude, and every day, Californians walk around tolerating their oppression like the mask they wear will protect them from the unseen evil that government is using to oppress them.

The latest act of our arrogant lazy authoritarians is the actions by the so-called Attorney General Xavier Becerra demanding, through the use of “investigative interrogatories,” that Republicans give the “name, address, and birth date” of every person who used the drop boxes set up by Republicans to take advantage of state laws loosening the requirements for collection of ballots passed by Democrats four years ago.

I had the same happen to me some years ago when the FPPC (California’s version of the KGB) demanded I turn over the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of every person who volunteered on my campaigns. The obvious… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

A Man to Teach You About Socialism

If you live in the United States, there is only one sure fire way to learn about the failings of Socialism. That is to sit down with a person who actually lived through it. I know a Bulgarian who will go off on a rant about Socialism’s evils at a drop of a hat. You could also get someone from, Cuba, Hungary, the Czech Republic, or a Ukrainian. They will give you clarity of the bestiality of Socialism. I found another man to enlighten you and your family.

If you have been a reader of this column you have known I have gone off on how the evils of Socialism in its many forms has been hidden from us. Go to a bookstore (yes, there are some left) and you will find a major section on Hitler and the Nazis. Book after book. Try and find more than one book on Stalin or Mao who were far more successful mass murderers. I get a movie every month about Nazi Germany shipped to me from Netflix. There are oodles of these movies. Try to find a movie on the evils of Mao or Stalin – nearly impossible until now.

I received a movie (Yes; Netflix still ships DVDs to your mailbox) entitled Mr. Jones. I had no clue what it was about.… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Biden Plan for Health Care

The Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force provides recommendations in six areas of domestic policy which are a roadmap for what Biden and his team want to accomplish if he is elected president. Despite little discussion about public policy at their convention, this is a detailed plan for domestic policy. Today we will look at their plans for health care entitled Achieving Universal Affordable, Quality Health Care.

There are two parts of the plan, a 10-page narrative of what they want to do and then a 13-page description of their policy recommendations. This is the longest of six parts of the report.

A note of interest: Much like the Hillary Clinton Task Force on Health Care in 1993, not one member of this group is a practicing physician or nurse. Also, no hospital administrators are part of the group. None of these people have worked as a health care provider to inform their decisions on how to alter the system.

Here are some points of what they describe:

1. “We are going to at last build the health care system the American people have always deserved. We will build a health care system that is driven by the needs of patients and the people who care for… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

My Antifa Dream

When I decided to join Antifa, I never thought I would see what is happening ever occur. I met like-minded people who likewise did not like their lives and did not like our government or any government. We were rebellious and perceived as far outside the mainstream. We were often called radicals and anarchists. Who would have ever dreamt that in such a short time we would be accepted by others including elected officials who are part of the establishment we want to tear down.

I connected online with the group and began to understand what they were all about. I heard a lot of voices similar to mine — frustrated with the government we have and wanting to turn it on its head and embrace a new government where the people are in charge and not all those rich people. My new friends let me know they were going to have a protest and I decided to show up.

It was in Berkeley on September 14, 2017. There was some Jew guy speaking at the University that I had never heard of – Ben Shapiro. I was told he was a really capitalist pig who hated radicals like me. I was told he was really Jewish and hated my Muslim friends who were part of us outcasts.

We marched over… Read More

Richard Rider

What’s on your restaurant plate is often a TINY cost factor in your bill

Recently I’ve been fascinated to read the Internet comments of otherwise intelligent people who think that the main cost of a costly California restaurant meal is the food ingredients.

Anyone who RUNS a restaurant will tell you that in most cases, the unprepared contents’ cost of what’s on your plate is just a minor and often tiny part of the restaurant’s overhead. Especially so for breakfast — which was the meal being discussed on the thread that I was reading. Here are just SOME of the many restaurant costs being ignored by those commenting “economists,” claiming that some/most restaurants are ripping us off: * Labor * Rent/lease/mortgage paymentsRead More

Bruce Bialosky

Biden Plan for the Economy

The Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force provides recommendations in six areas of domestic policy which are a roadmap for what Biden and his team want to accomplish if he is elected president. Despite little discussion about public policy at their convention, this is a detailed plan for domestic policy. Today we will take a look at their plans for the economy called Building a Stronger, Fairer Economy.

There are two parts of the plan: a 10-page narrative of what they want to do and then a 14-page description of their policy recommendations. A lot of it overlaps, but there are 24-pages and a lot of material. An important note: there is no statement of how much any of these proposals would cost or how they would be funded.

Here are some points of what they describe:

1. They completely redefine a self-employed individual by providing unemployment for them which we can only assume the self-employed will now have to pay into the unemployment system. They also provide sick leave. It is left to wonder if anyone self-employed want this governmental meddling.

2. They use the word ‘invest’ 11 times in 10-page narrative. They used the term “supercharged… Read More

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