Challenge An Arrogant Lazy Authoritarian, Go To Church
The Governor complained yesterday about people going to the beach.
According to the AP “The Democratic governor targeted beachgoers in Orange and Ventura counties, calling them an example of “what not to do” if the state wants to continue its progress fighting the coronavirus.” Beachgoers as criminals? Oh come on, man.
Of course, he doesn’t want to have to get mean about making people do what he says (at least according to him). Once again, in the AP story: “As he works on a reopening plan, Newsom said he does not want to step up enforcement against people who don’t follow the rules. But he urged local governments to reconsider their directives and said the California Highway Patrol is considering more ‘aggressive enforcement’ measures.”
Oh gee whiz, thanks Governor. You’re all heart.
The evidence is mounting daily about how this Governor completely overreacted to the health issues caused by COVID-19. We were told in March that we needed to completely destroy California’s economy to prevent an “untenable influx of new cases” the virus was expected to create. We were told… Read More