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James V. Lacy

Prop. 8 proponents win preliminary court skirmish

The Federal court trial on the constitutionality of Proposition 8’s ban on same-sex marriage will begin in San Francisco on January 11. But the parties to the suit are busy as bees with preliminary motions. One of those motions would have required the Prop. 8 political consultants to turn over all their internal strategy memos and emails to their pro-gay marriage opponents to examine them for evidence of anti-homosexual animus. The idea being that if these private documents and correspondences revealed any antipathy to gays and lesbians, as such, the entire intiative would be tainted as an unconstitutional conspiracy and quickly overturned. A Federal judge agreed to force disclosure of the documents late last year, but an appeal to the 9th Circuit leavened the hysterics of opponents and the political consultants can now keep their memos in their vaults. This trial will contrast the drama of a Perry Mason closing argument to the thrill of a visit to Fleischacker Zoo.

One Response to “Prop. 8 proponents win preliminary court skirmish”

  1. Says:

    Not for long.

    Ultimately, backers of Prop 8 (read: big gov’t antifreedom supporters) will have their arses handed to them in court, thru the good graces of lawyers Ted Olson & Dave Boies.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA