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Jon Fleischman

SD1: Niello Should Publicly Reject Support of California Teachers Association

If I had to rank-order public employee union bosses from evil to less so, clearly on the top of the list you would have to put the California Teachers Association.  Like all of the other unions they have a voracious appetite for pursuing the "standard" trio of union goals:  higher wages and benefits for their members, job security for their members, and the creation of new public employee positions that are members of their union. 

That said, the CTA is particularly awful because they pursue this pro-public labor agenda under the banner that somehow all of this is somehow "better for children" and helps kids to have a better education.  For anyone who wants to understand how hurtful teachers union bosses can be, go see the movie Waiting for Superman, which illustrates quite well the road blocks that teachers unions put up to keep bad teachers around.  Bottom line: a good teacher can make the world of difference for child, and a bad teacher can do the opposite.  But the CTA protects and defends all teachers, as if they are all of equal ability.

Anyways, a friend of mine who lives in Senate District 1 just sent me a copy of a mailer the CTA has put out, urging people to vote for Assemblyman Roger Niello.  To that, I say — but the hell out, big government embracing union hacks.   I am sure that Niello did not ask for their support, and he should immediate put out a release rejecting it.

Here is the mailer:

And here is a trailer for Waiting for Superman…