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Recounts in OC – Day One

There are two recounts in progress in OC.

One was initiated by a Fullerton planning commissioner Doug Chaffee, a Democrat who was down 90 votes in the certified results. After today, he is now down 91 votes. Maybe he’ll give tomorrow a try again, but with loosing a vote, I can’t imagine he’d want to keep paying to loose ground.

The other recount was started by Constantine “Dean” Zarkos, appointed Los Alamitos Councilmember who is down 20 votes. Not much to report there. I wish Zarkos had won. But it is very hard to make big swings in votes on recounts – especially in such a well run shop as OC Registrar Neal Kelley runs.

Political attorney Steve Baric is working for both McKinley, who is ahead of Chaffee in Fullerton and for Zarkos. Also on hand today at the Registrar were McKinley consultant Dave Ellis and GOP staffer George Andrews.