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Bill Leonard

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer albeit for believers every day is a day of prayer. However, federal law and presidential proclamation make a special designation for this day. President Obama’s proclamation can be found here

The day itself has become controversial as atheist groups have sued to overturn the law on the grounds of unconstitutional state sponsored religion. It clearly is not a state church. But it is also clear that it is a recognition that God governs the universe and that prayer is communication with our God.

And there is so much to pray for. Giving thanks to the brave men who stopped a terrorist leader. Seeking comfort for those who suffered losses in tornadoes here at home and earthquakes and tsunamis aboard. Seeking guidance for national economic recovery and for government budget finances. Its ok to say a prayer today and you will have lots of company.

This morning Governor Brown has also signed a proclamation which you can find here:

May God bless California and the United States of America.