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Jon Fleischman

Another Call For Taxpayer Subsidies For Candidates…

The left of center Center for Government Studies, based in Los Angeles, has released yet another study where they wax on about the positive benefits of further limiting the amount of contributions that can be made to candidates, and once again calling for taxpayers to finance the campaigns of candidates.

There are a lot of principled reasons as to why this proposal is a very poor one.

But there is one very practical reason as to why it will never be a political viable one.  No one wants to have their tax dollars used to subsidize the political speech (campaign mailers, television, radio, etc.) of candidates who do not represent their views.

Wait a second, there are some taxpayers who might like this idea.  The ones who thought this guy should have been elected President of the United States…

One Response to “Another Call For Taxpayer Subsidies For Candidates…”

  1. Robert Bosich Says:

    How can liberals be so naive and misguided…government, government….never lets up.

    We have a very serious economy problem and these loons want Big Brother posters on every tree, bus and government building telling us how to vote.