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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Wow! Californians have a pain threshold?

The latest Field poll news is a shocker.  California voters actually have relatively low approval for President Obama.  This to me is stunning news, because our State legislative majority, former Governor, and current Governor are so bad at their jobs, and yet, continue to get re-elected.

There are pain thresholds in politics, and every so often, California voters have a tantrum.  The 2003 recall election, the rare but exciting moments when bonds are actually voted down, and the punishing defeat of Arnold clone Meg Whitman would all be recent examples.

Now, we’ve got low approval for President Obama.  This proves that we need to have a horrendous economy and depression for Californians to get angry.  Will this translate into votes for Democrat alternatives?  Probably not.  Not unless Republicans quit pussy footing around and campaign stridently – bold lines and colors, against Democrat incompetence, both in Sacramento and Washington DC.

One Response to “Wow! Californians have a pain threshold?”

  1. Shawn Steel Says:

    No Michael….

    Californians have not had enough pain to demand political change—yet

    But, don’t worry, that day is coming.