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Senator Tony Strickland

Fletcher best-positioned to move San Diego forward

Nathan’s decision to leave the Republican Party must have been a difficult one. It isn’t easy to leave a party you’ve been a member of for nearly 20 years. While I’m disappointed we’ve lost Nathan, I know he feels this is what is right in his heart.

It’s okay to be sad he left the party, many of us are, but attacking Nathan’s character is taking it too far. Nathan’s character, tested in battle in Iraq and Africa, is rock solid. Nathan is the same person he was a week ago. None of his positions changed, and he remains one of the most honest, hard-working and smartest members of the Legislature. He will make a great mayor. His accomplishments in the Legislature speak for themselves: he authored Chelsea’s Law, a groundbreaking, difficult piece of legislation to pass, held the line against higher taxes and authored regulatory relief for small business.

It’s telling that so many of us who know Nathan still stand with him. Governor Wilson, Assembly Leader Conway, Senator Anderson, Senator Wyland, Republican Caucus Chairman Brian Nestande and thousands of others are fully behind Nathan and believe he is the person best-positioned to move San Diego forward.

I’m proud to endorse Nathan, to trust him to do the right thing. I stand with him. I hope you will too.


4 Responses to “Fletcher best-positioned to move San Diego forward”

  1. LobbyLink – LobbyLink’s BlogLines – April 5, 2012 Says:

    […] Fletcher best-positioned to move San Diego forward […]

  2. Robert Bosich Says:

    Every election in San Diego promises Life On Earth Eternal…transparency….budget discipline….justifiable taxes on those scoflaw tourists…cuts in government administration…..union preservation at any costs…new kook enviro regulations….

    What’s the fuss? Does Nathan have Pixie Dust and more than a fly swatter?

  3. Jason Cabel Roe Says:

    no they’re not

  4. Robert Bosich Says:

    Ah! Indefensible…San Diego’s fiscal performance history and inept governance!