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Congressman John Campbell

Immigration moves backwards but the budget maybe forward

Yesterday, the Senate rejected a very reasonable amendment by Senator Isakson (R-Ga.) to their immigration bill by a vote of 55-40. The amendment would simply have postponed implementation of any guest worker program until the federal government certifies that the borders are secure. This seems to endorse the idea of a guest worker program that is unenforceable which means it will only lead to more illegal immigration. The defeat of this amendment ensures that any bill coming out of the Senate is likely to be very flawed.

On the positive side, it appears that we in the House may pass a reasonble budget today. It is not as good as the RSC budget but at least it moves things in the right direction by increasing spending less than the growth in population and inflation. It will also eliminate a number of federal programs.

One Response to “Immigration moves backwards but the budget maybe forward”

  1. Says:

    Hang tough on border security first, Congressman! Like the Biblical Centurion of old, Minutemen must be asking themselves now, “What good ever came out of the Senate?” What part about the rule of law doesn’t Arlen Specter get? As a former prosecutor, he should know better!

    I know it’s a pipe dream, but is it too much to hope that the LSC, CPB, and NEA will be among the programs marked for elimination?