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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Angelides: He wants to tax EVERYTHING

Last month in the Napa Valley, I had a chance to meet a lot of interesting people while participating as a panelist at a California Chamber of Commerce post-primary retreat.  One of those people was Democrat operative Darry Sragow.  I found him to be quite interesting.  A bit more subdued than I thought he would be – at least as he came across at this event.  Then again, given that his audience was mostly Republicans…
I bring up Sragow because he is apparently gifted with the ability to understate the obvious.  Today in the Sacramento Bee is a story entitled, "Campaign 2006: For Angelides, the path ahead is mostly uphill," in which Sragow is quoted:

"People inside politics are looking at Arnold racing downfield with the ball and they’re asking, ‘How is Angelides going to tackle him before he gets to the end zone?’ " said Democratic political consultant Darry Sragow. "There is no question Angelides has to get some tracking and find some way to build some momentum."

No kidding.

Phil Angelides couldn’t get elected to head up his own family right now at a reunion — he’s probably got a plan to tax travel to family reunions.  That’s a little tongue-and-cheek but it goes to the unenviable position in which Mr. Angelides finds himself.  He is not just liberal, he is ultra-liberal.  He is not just ultra-liberal, he is very unabashed and forthright with his ultra-liberal agenda.

And what is this agenda?  Simply put, Phil Angelides has declared a full-scale war on liberty and freedom.  America is a country like no other.  No other country on the planet places the kind of value that we do on the individual liberties and freedoms of our citizens.  In the public policy arena, the enemy of liberty and freedom is based on how much of your paycheck do YOU get to keep to take care of your needs and those of your family, versus how much is sent to the government in taxes.  Phil Angelides believes that Californian’s enjoy too much freedom, that they have more liberty than they should. 

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Angelides: He wants to tax EVERYTHING”

  1. Says:

    Interesting post, Jon. I hope you and your readers will get a chance to check out my response over at Speak Out California, here:

    Have a good one,

  2. Says:

    Clearly, the candidate LEAST likely to defeat Arnold Schwarzenegger in November emerged as the winner in last month’s Democratic gubernatorial primary. One reason: Not enough decline-to-state or moderate Democratic voters turned out. The Governor has been given a unique opportunity to expand the GOP ranks in a blue state.

    Please keep up your great coverage of this campaign and your commentary on related California public policy issues.

  3. Says:

    Arnold’s unstoppable? The GOP will swell their ranks come November?

    In other news, people believe everything they read these days.

    In still other news, I am extremely attractive to the lady-folk.