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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Veteran Taxfighter/Private Property Advocate Nielsen Returning to the Legislature

Jon asked me to offer a few thoughts on the happenings in the race to replace me in the 2nd District Assembly seat up here in North California.  I’m nearly halfway through my third term and out the door in November ’08, so I was particularly pleased with former Senator Jim Nielsen’s decision this week to throw his Stetson in the ring to replace me.

A lot of folks in the Northstate remember Jim from his 12 years representing the area in the State Senate.  There weren’t many elected Republicans in this part of the state back then, but thanks in large part to Jim, that changed.  My parents knew Jim since he first ran in ’78.  I was just a high school kid not paying much mind to it other than knowing the names and rooting for Reagan when I could vote in ’80.  Jim "came out of nowhere" to win his Senate seat in ’78 in a district that was a Democrat stronghold, barely 30% Rep and 60% Dem, besting incumbent Democrat Senator John Dunlap.

Jim has won more friend of the taxpayer awards than one can count, being a "Prop 13 baby" in that ’78 sweep when 13 passed.  Jim works today as Chairman of the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights, formed right after the bad Kelo decision and who are co-sponsoring a true reform of eminent domain initiative with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. and the California Farm Bureau. 

In a day when few Republican candidates are willing to run in a 30% seat as Jim did – and against an entrenched Democrat, at that – I like the idea of having a veteran Republican like Jim Nielsen in the Assembly.  I like even more the fact that he’s fighting the good fight on behalf of taxpayers, farmers and property owners.

As a long time family friend, a rancher and an ally in the area of eminent domain reform, Jim Nielsen continues to stand for the things he’s always fought for: the 2nd Amendment, the right to life, increasing our water resources, lower taxes, victim’s rights and being tough on crime.  His long record will reflect those values in bright colors.  There will be the usual nitpicking from the peanut gallery among those who have never served.  They will pour through 10,000 votes cast over 12 years, five of them as Republican Senate Leader, and try to twist what is by any measure a solidly conservative record.  

His stature in this area, in the Capitol and his good-natured way of dealing with people makes him a formidable candidate and a sure favorite to win the Republican nomination next June.  Conservative Jason Larrabee had been the odds-on choice for the nomination, but when Jason decided to go back to farming, he quickly endorsed Jim Nielsen as the logical choice.  I agree with Jason on that, and am proud to give Jim Nielsen my endorsement.

6 Responses to “Veteran Taxfighter/Private Property Advocate Nielsen Returning to the Legislature”

  1. Says:

    Jim Nielsen was and is always a real public safety advocate – one of the first fighters against sexual predators. He’ll lend some great leadership and institutional experience to the caucus.

  2. Says:

    Ah, another valentine on the FlashReport for someone who has already exceeded the 12 year term limit that John hates so much! Gotta love it!

  3. Says:

    Proof again that Jon allows differing opinions on the FR. He reads his commentators’ posts no sooner than anyone else has the opportunity to view them, and requires no pre-approval or pre-editing as a publisher. Diversity of opinion. Gotta love it!

  4. Says:

    That’s true, Barry. He even allows diversity in his own opinion — attacking any term limit before but extolling the virtues of someone who would serve way more than the 12 years the term limits reform would ever allow.

  5. Says:

    Oh Barry, do you know something we don’t know. Do you think Steve Maviglio would mind if an ordinary citizen like Karl Forston came in and commented on his blogs everyday?

  6. Says:

    Mr. Jordan:

    But the Flash Report has READERS, so of course he has to
    post here for anyone to notice him! ;)