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Jon Fleischman

Some American Wine for “King Louis” Nunez

Last week was a bit crazy, so I am playing a little bit of catch up.

We linked to a story by Nancy Vogel in the Los Angeles Times where, after much controversy swirled about Fabian Nunez buying thousands of dollars in french wines on a European junket, it turns out that Nunez foisted the wine on the California Democratic Party. 

Well, last Friday the fine folks at the No on 93 campaign gave a gift to Speaker Nunez.  They had delivered to his office a bottle of Charles Shaw Chardonnay.  Those in the know refer to Shaw as "Two Buck Chuck" because that’s all it costs.  It’s thrifty, its American, and I am sure it ended up in the Speaker’s sterling silver trash can.

The No on 93 folks say that, "Admittedly, the bottle of Two Buck Chuck was purchased at a Trader Joe’s in Sacramento and not at L’Avant Garde wine shop in France. But the next time the Speaker is discussing the impact of global warming on the French wine industry while pouring wine for his lobbyist friends he can just tell them they are tasting a double gold medal winner. Mais oui!"

Of course, over the weekend Edwin Garcia from the Media News team wrote an entire story in the Contra Costa Times (that appears today in the San Jose Mercury News) that is all about Nunez and how he has lost touch with his base, now that he is living the "high life"…

The posterchild for No on 93 continues to strut his stuff.  There are a lot of reasons to oppose loosening term limits.  Six more years of Fabian "Louis Vuittan" Nunez as Speaker tops the list.

2 Responses to “Some American Wine for “King Louis” Nunez”

  1. Says:

    Speaking of cash, how much is the No on 93 paying you for the ads and your columns trashing the Speaker on a daily basis. Just curious.

  2. Says:

    Actually, the No on 93 ad is your creation. I hadn’t thought to ask them for one until you brought it up on a previous comment. I have been critical of the Speaker for many, many years. I hold in low regard politicians who do not respect property rights.

    That said, if you have a contact with the Yes on 93 campaign, and they would like to advertise on this site, please have them contact me!