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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Of Carbon Credits, Hydrocarbons, and Ice Cream Diets

 A few random thoughts on the California condition at Christmas time:

-Thank you Mr Speaker for the carbon credits for Christmas.  It is a nice gesture that you do something for all of us members each year, philosophical issues aside.  I understand that the bottle of wine like in previous years would be harder to deal with this time so the creativity of the credits is unique.  I hope I can donate them to a good use.  We’ll talk about forest management policy at a later date, but thank you. 

-Went up to Oregon to visit family for a couple days.  Enjoyed no sales tax and nicely paved roads while there.  89 octane Chevron gas was $3.39 in NorCal, $3.09 in rural Orygunplus they pump it for you, it’s mandatory.  30 cents cheaper just a couple hours away, worthwhile in my SUV.  Fill er up, gotta head back to C.A.!

-I’ve noticed the different states have mottos that fits the spirit of each.  My favorite is New Hampshire, where they even put it on their license plate.  "New Hampshire…Live Free Or Die".  Those original 13 have attitude!  
Stopped at the blood bank today.  Turns out they have a promo going, give a pint, [blood], get a pint [Ice Cream]  Cool.  You get a coupon to redeem at a popular ice cream vendor.  The fine print said  "in California you will receive 12 ounces’.  I asked the bloodletter lady, "Thank you for the ice cream coupon, I was just curious about the 12 ounces instead of 16 in the pint-for-a-pint in California."
She sez, "Oh I guess since it’s California, just expect less!…and pay more!"

If there is anyone left in prison to make license plates, we’ll get ’em done in red,  "CaliforniaExpect Less"   Oh well, it’s still a great place.

In the mean time, to all the FlashReport readers, have a safe and Merry Christmas!