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Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: VIDEO: SFSU College Republicans Take On CODE PINK in Berkeley

[Publisher’s Note:  FR Congratulates Shawn Steel on his election as Republican National Committeeman for California.  As of today, we have "promoted" Shawn to be a "Statewide" correspondent for the FR! – Flash]

Sometimes College Republicans have too much fun. Presently, CR’s usually dominate student political groups on most campuses. The Left is lethargic and the only cores remaining are tenured Marxist 60’s professors who are retiring in droves. Since 9/11 a new generation of CR’s in rapidly impacting California politics. Already, graduated CR’s are holding important posts in the CRP and with up and coming politicos.


At San Francisco State University the CR’s are on fire. Besides suing the Administration, successfully, for interfering with the CR"s First Amendment rights, they drove across the Bay Bridge to challenge the crazies at the Berkeley Marine recruiting center last week…

SFSU CR President Leigh Wolf and his colleagues showed up supporting Move America Forward (Chaired by Melanie Morgan of KSFO).

**There is more – click the link**

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11 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: VIDEO: SFSU College Republicans Take On CODE PINK in Berkeley”

  1. Says:

    Now, I trust these College Republicans are in the process of helping our country by joining the Marine Corps, right?

  2. Says:

    Actually i can name several. And more are planning to go. Others are alreadhy in ROTC, something you dems wouldn’t know much about. In fact, probably 80% of the officers are right of center.

    This is, demographically, bad news for dems in the future. We will have heroes running against rabbits.

  3. Says:

    Thank you for your response, Mr. Steel.

    Sure many in our military are conservative, but how is that your personal success? I strongly respect our military. They all deserve our support now and after they get back home.

    I am glad that you know many College Republicans who are enlisting–that’s encouraging. Most I’ve seen interviewed claim to have football injuries or asthma. Regardless, most of those risking their lives on the front lines didn’t have the opportunity to be a College Republican or join ROTC because they didn’t have the money to go to college–they went directly into the military instead.

    Ironically, it’s our current Republican leaders (and their children) who have a low percentage of serving in the military, even though they are often eager to go to war by sending other people’s children into battle.

    By the way, did you serve in Vietnam, Mr. Steel?

  4. Says:

    Ms McStravick, Since you struggle mightily to twist your facts to support your view, it would be interesting to know just what your bona fides are. Seems like you throw the proverbial bone “didn’t have the opportunity to go to college” which really has become an oxymoron, hasn’t it?
    My dear grandmother told me long ago “where there’s a will, there’s a way” which encapsulates the American Spirit. Those “who do” get there. Those “who don’t” complain and blame. Have a good day!

  5. Says:

    Jo Ann
    I just love the duplicitous left. In fact I served 6 years in the Air Force Reserves. As a liberated woman, what about you?

    Shawn Steel

  6. Says:

    Hey Jo, regardless of whether or not these students are in the military or not they were subject to assault by an angry mob for doing nothing more then peacefully watching a demonstration and wearing clothing that identified them as disagreeing with the mob. Nothing is ever quite as amusing as an angry, violent mob attacking innocent bystanders in the name of peace. Then the chant of police state goes up because the police were protecting the innocent from the violent peace mob. Nice folks you support!

  7. Says:

    Mr. Steel –

    Thank you for responding. I think it’s very commendable that you were in the Air Force Reserves.

    Are you asking me if I joined the Air Force Reserves? No, I didn’t need to avoid combat since I’m not in the age group or gender category for the Vietnam Draft. Am I being duplicitous? Naw, that’s just plain “liberated woman sarcasm”. Oh, I’m kidding! (Since we hadn’t discussed any feminist topics, I’m not sure where that remark came from.)

    My only issue was that College Republicans are notorious for being critical of anyone who doesn’t support the war, but when asked if they’ll enlist, they come up with a million excuses for why they can’t.

    I do not think everyone needs to enlist in the military and that was never my point. I am simply critical of those who avoid combat while advocating that others go to war.

  8. Says:

    Hello Ms. Gahm –

    I’m not sure what facts you think I twisted. You can easily catch interviews on YouTube with College Republicans who strongly support the Iraq War, but suddenly have serious health issues when asked if they are willing to enlist. That’s what I am criticizing. If you are doubting my comment about the Republican leaders who support the war in Iraq, but dodged the Vietnam Draft, you can look up that list–it’s public record. Democrats dodged the draft, too. It’s just that there are more Republican leaders still in support of the Iraq War. But I am critical of all chickenhawks, regardless of their Party. I am not critical of John McCain, for example–he is a true American hero and even has a son in Iraq!

    I’m sure you don’t deny that there are people from underprivileged homes without the opportunities afforded to others, that see the military as a way to a better future. You say “where there’s a will, there’s a way”–yes, military is their way! The military is their proverbial bootstrap that they are using to pull themselves up and into a better life. What’s wrong with that? Personally, I’d give them a lot more credit than the rich kids that go to college on daddy’s dime.

    Thanks for your comments and have a good day!

  9. Says:

    Hey Sean –

    Ya know, I never said I supported the protestors in the video. In fact, I never brought up what happened in the video and I don’t disagree with you that the Berkeley students were being idiots! I am not supporting them, I do not condone their actions in the video, and from what I can tell, I don’t believe I agree with their protest.

    I will, however, say that the College Republicans were intentionally being provocative and knew exactly what reaction they would get by going into a protest and expressing opposing views–they record protests for this purpose all the time. It’s like we’re watching a herding behavior experiment for a psychology class… !

  10. Says:

    I seem to remember a lot of the College Republican leadership during the 1990s having served in the military. Right off the top of my head, Tom Hudson (state chairman) was in the Navy Reserves and would have been called to active duty within weeks if we hadn’t had the ceasefire during Desert Storm). Charles Smith (state chairman) was an Army Ranger. Marco Rodriguez (state executive director) was an Army Sgt. (and last I heard, was working in the Pentagon). Doug Lorenz (state executive director) was a veteran as well (I’m drawing a blank on his branch and rank). Lots of other officers and club leaders were also ROTC or former or future active duty and reserve members.

    You have to remember that liberal media sources wouldn’t show an interview with the student who says “I’m in ROTC and will be attending OCS after graduation.”

    It’s sort of like Michael Moore asking Congressman Michael Castle (who doesn’t have kids) why his kids aren’t serving in the military and then showing Congressman Castle’s stunned reaction in his film as a supposed example of GOP hypocrisy.


  11. Says:

    Interesting points, Mr. Mikulicich.

    Personally, I don’t think all College Republicans should be criticized for not enlisting. I only take issue when they advocate that others should go to war, yet they are careful to avoid combat themselves. Not all College Republicans are in that category, but enough are during this “time of war” that it deserves mention.

    You bring up a good point about the liberal media sources. Of course that goes both ways. If the College Republicans went to a liberal-minded protest and were ignored, that video would never be distributed.