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Jim Battin

Democrat Consultant Richie Ross Takes On The World

For those readers that don’t know him, Richie Ross is one of the powerhouse political consultants on the Democrat team. He is somewhat of a legend in Democrat circles – and is infamous to Republicans.

What makes Richie noteworthy this year is that he has decided that instead of having his Democrat client candidates attack their Republican opponents, he has them taking on the world instead.

Case in point (1): Democrat Fran Florez is running against Republican Danny Gilmore in AD 30.

Danny is discussing his plans to lower gas prices, secure California’s water supply, keeping taxes low and his opposition to releasing prisoners early.

Fran is taking on…… China. Yep, China. For whatever reasons known only to her and Richie Ross, Fran Florez believes that the voters in her area aren’t interested in the issues Gilmore has been talking about – but rather are angry at China.

You can watch this rather remarkable spot (gong and all):

Case in point (2): In San Diego, Democrat Marty Block is running against Republican John McCann in AD 78.

John is focused on energy independence, reforming our schools and bringing trust back to government.

Marty is focused on……the Cayman Islands. I know, you never thought voters in San Diego are secretly seething about the tax shelters above all else – but it’s clear Richie and Marty do.


What’s interesting about these two examples is that both of these Democrat campaigns have literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on these ads already.

It will be fascinating to see if Richie Ross has tapped into the new secret to victory – don’t discuss issues – attack foreign governments – or if this idea is just a little too creative for California voters.