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Jon Fleischman

BREAKING NEWS: Dan Dunmoyer Resigns, Governor Taps Vickie Bradshaw as New Cabinet Secretary

**A FlashReport Exclusive — We Had It Here First**

One of Governor Schwarzenegger’s most senior staff members, and certainly the highest placed conservative in the administration, Cabinet Secretary Dan Dunmoyer, is leaving the administration.  Replacing Dunmoyer will be another Republican, Victoria Bradshaw, currently the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency.  This change at the highest levels of the Schwarzenegger Administration will be publicly announced later this morning.

There will be a short transition, but as Dunmoyer told me in a conversation last night, “Vickie is already prepared to hit the ground running.” 

In addition to be a current agency secretary since 2004, Bradshaw (pictured left with the Governor) actually held the position of Cabinet Secretary for former Governor Pete Wilson, and so she has some idea of the challenges ahead of her.  The Cabinet Secretary works with the Governor, and with the Governor’s Chief of Staff (remember, that’s former Democrat Party Executive Director Susan Kennedy), in liaising with all of the various agency secretaries and directors that make up the Governor’s Cabinet.  Bradshaw has a reputation for being a solid GOPer, and will have an important role to play in balancing the input that the Governor receives from the many Democrats who now populate senior levels of the administration. 

Now, what to say about Dan Dunmoyer (pictured right) on this occasion?  Here is a conservative who agreed to step into this role for a year, after Republican and former Assemblyman Fred Aguiar stepped away from the position.  It’s been nearly three years, and there literally is no way for anyone (and certainly not me) to be able to truly understand all of the great things that Dan has done in this position.

When I looked back at what I wrote about Dan when he was hired by the Governor in late 2005, it really still holds up to the test of time.  So by way of describing Dan, and his role, I will repeat it here.  I can’t say that my observations about the Governor in this piece were very prescient.

I will tell FlashReport readers that I was very pleased with the appointment of Dan Dunmoyer.  Dan is in fact a very conservative fellow, and a very strategic thinker.  Dan’s role inside of the Governor’s office will not be one of table-pounding when there are discussions of tacking left on a policy issue – rather, Dan will make cogent arguments, and will very quickly build up the kind of relationships in the office to where he will influence many aspects of the administration.  Perhaps equally as valuable is Dan’s long-standing relationships with conservatives inside of the Capitol.  This will provide a needed avenue for exchange of information both from the Governor’s office and to the Governor’s office from an important constituency.  Perhaps if Dan had been in place, he could have foretold the Governor that the Senate and Assembly Republican leaders would be vocally critical in the news media of his decision to hire a Democrat Chief of Staff.  Dan is a good hire, and hopefully he will be able to have influence in what is looking to be the most important area – public policy.   Rumors run rampant that there is going to be massive borrowing, entitlement growing and other expansion of state government proposed.  The Governor knows that this is the wrong direction for California – after all, one of the major messages of the special election was that California needs to "Live Within Its Means."  Dunmoyer will be the conservative point-man to stop all of this!  (Good luck, Buddy.)

I asked Dan about his future plans, and he was pretty candid about the fact that he is leaving with no specific plan in place.  “In speaking with the attorneys, because the position I occupy interfaces with every aspect of state government, to entertain discussions of employment with anyone while actually in the position would be required to then recuse myself from key decisions – something I didn’t feel was appropriate.”

It clearly was not an easy decision for Dan to tender his resignation, but you have to admire Dan’s main reason for moving on.  “Jon,” he said, “I have a wonderful wife and children who are probably starting to wonder what happened to me.  They have all been remarkably patient and supportive while I have been in this position, but it’s time to spend more time with them, and I look forward to that very much.”

Well, the gain for Dan’s family is certainly a loss for Californians.  Dunmoyer’s influence in the Governor’s office has been noticeable, and his departure is very unfortunate.  That said, Vickie Bradshaw will undoubtedly be a capable Cabinet Secretary.  But to use a worn cliché, she has big shoes to fill…

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